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How can I customize my instant booking setting for my listing?

Instant Book makes it easier for guests to book a stay and for Hosts to accept bookings without the need to manually check and confirm each booking.

All guests must agree to your house rules before booking, and if you’re uncomfortable with an Instant Book reservation, you can cancel the reservation. However, there will be certain Host penalties for canceling reservations.

To add Instant Book requirements:

  • Go to your Listings and select a listing
  • Click Policies and rules
  • Next to Instant Book, click Edit
  • Select Instant Book on, and select your guest requirements
  • Click Save

Additional Instant Book settings

You can specify additional Instant Book requirements:

  • Identity verification: Only allow guests who have been verified through Resortifi’s multi-step process.
  • Good track record: Only allow guests who have stayed on Resortifi without incidents or negative reviews. Guests that have recently broken Resortifi policies—or house rules set by Hosts—don't qualify as having a good track record.
  • Note: Pre-booking message requirement is no longer in Instant Book settings. You can use scheduled messages to prompt questions from guests at time of booking.

Advance notice

To avoid last-minute bookings, you can set both advance notice and preparation time between bookings, and we’ll automatically block these days on your calendar.

  • Same day (with a cut-off time)
  • At least 1 day
  • At least 3 days
  • At least 7 days

Trip length

Avoid reservations that are too long or short by setting your minimum and maximum trip length.