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How to ensure security of your staycation rental?

As more people continue to flock to vacation rentals on Resortifi, it’s more important than ever to maintain adequate security measures to protect your property management business and your guests. From installing smart locks to using guest screening, there are numerous ways to enhance the security of your vacation rental.

Verify Your Guests

Everyone wants to rent to respectful guests, and while most people are great, there will always be a few bad apples who could do harm to your property. To ensure peace of mind, it’s important to verify the identity and background of every guest before they check in through guest screening.

Resortifi eases your life here as it necessitates all the guests to verify their identity at the time of making Resortifi Guest Account and often at the time of making bookings as well.

Have Rental Insurance

You can’t anticipate what will go wrong, so it’s best to be sure you’re completely covered. Don’t make assumptions: do the research and choose the coverage that works for you.

From the self-insured to collecting hefty damage deposits, Resortifi offers a comprehensive insurance option when it comes to protecting your property and investment. Remember, it’s important to have both liability and damage coverage.

Use Keyless Entry in Your Vacation Rental

Keyless entry systems, such as digital locks or smart locks, are a fantastic investment for vacation rental properties. They not only improve the security of your property but also add an element of convenience for both the host and the guest. Traditional physical keys can be lost, copied, or stolen, leading to possible unauthorized access. However, keyless entry systems mitigate these risks by allowing hosts to change access codes between guests. Moreover, they eliminate the necessity for in-person key exchanges, providing guests the flexibility to check in at their convenience.

Some advanced systems even offer remote access control, allowing hosts to manage access to their properties from anywhere in the world. As a reminder, ensure that your chosen system complies with local laws and regulations regarding privacy and data security.

Install Security Systems

Investing in a quality security system can be a game-changer for your vacation rental. Security cameras, intruder alarms, noise monitoring, and motion sensors offer an extra layer of protection for your property and give your guests peace of mind. \ Security cameras installed at strategic locations, like entrances, can deter potential trespassers and provide evidence in case of vandalism or theft. Meanwhile, intruder alarms can alert local authorities if an unauthorized person attempts to enter the property. Motion sensor lights can illuminate dark exteriors, discouraging potential intruders and providing a safer environment for your guests.

Not only do they help protect your property, but security systems also provide invaluable peace of mind. Guests are more likely to book properties equipped with secure features, knowing that their safety is a priority for the host.

Invest in Regular Property Inspections

Periodic inspections are an essential part of maintaining a safe and secure vacation rental. Regularly inspect your property for any damages or minor repairs that need to be addressed, such as leaking faucets or broken locks. Some short-term rental management companies perform these inspections twice a year, but you should plan to inspect your home after prime season has ended at the very least.

Routine maintenance is also important for checking the functionalities of security systems like smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Pool access and residential elevator safety are two areas that should be on your regularly scheduled inspections. After the checkout of each guest, inspect your vacation rental for any additional damages. Take particular note of stairways and balconies to ensure they are safe and secure for the next guests.