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Guest Cancellation Policy

At Resortifi, we understand that sometimes, guests may need to cancel their reservations due to unforeseen circumstances. To ensure a fair and transparent process, we have established the following Guest Cancellation Policy. Please review this policy to understand your rights and responsibilities as a guest.

Cancellation Fees

We may impose fees for guest cancellations, subject to the following guidelines:

Cancellations More Than 7 Days Before Check-In : If you cancel your reservation more than 7 days before the scheduled check-in date, a cancellation fee will be deducted from your refund, if applicable.

Cancellations 7 Days or Less Before Check-In: For cancellations made within 7 days of the scheduled check-in date, a cancellation fee of [Enter Fee Amount or Percentage] will be deducted from your refund, if applicable.

Last-Minute Cancellations: Cancellations made on the day of check-in or later may result in a cancellation fee and may affect your eligibility for a refund.

Please note that the specific cancellation fee amount or percentage may vary depending on the reservation and property.

Waiver of Cancellation Fees

In certain situations, we may waive the cancellation fees under appropriate circumstances, such as when you need to cancel due to Extenuating Circumstances or valid reasons beyond your control. To request a waiver of cancellation fees, please contact our support team with supporting documentation.

Additional Consequences

In addition to cancellation fees, other consequences may apply to guests who cancel confirmed reservations without a valid reason. These consequences may include but are not limited to:

Blocking Your Reservation Calendar: We may block your ability to make another reservation for overlapping dates to minimize disruption to hosts.

Public Review: If you cancel a reservation before the scheduled check-in date, an automated review may be posted on your profile indicating the cancellation. These reviews cannot be removed, but you may be able to write a public response to provide context.

Account-Related Actions: Repeated cancellations without valid reasons may result in account-related actions, such as account suspension or deactivation.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we aim to balance the needs of guests and hosts while ensuring a positive experience for everyone in our community. Please review this policy before making a reservation to understand your responsibilities.

This policy applies to cancellations made on or after the effective date. Any changes to this policy will be communicated in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Resortifi encourages guests to communicate openly with hosts regarding cancellations and to provide reasonable notice whenever possible. Our goal is to foster a respectful and understanding community for all our users.