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Enhancing Listing Description – A thing very host should know

A great rental listing on Resortifi includes an informative title and stellar description that properly describes your rental property. While it’s easy to assume that tenants care more about the rental price, the photos, and the location of an apartment, they also pay attention to the description. The rental listing description should complement the photos and other features of your listing while demonstrating you’re a sophisticated Resortifi landlord.

To help you become a professional at writing an engaging description, we’ve outlined everything you need to know on rental listings and what information to include.

Here are some expert tips on how to write an effective rental listing description for your property.

Here are some proven marketing strategies that can help increase your Resortifi bookings:

  • Use Originality in Your Listing Description

Apartment searching can be exciting for guests— it’s an opportunity for them to upgrade their life. Writing an engaging rental listing description is a way to sell a lifestyle your rental property can provide. Tenants will be thrilled to find a better location, a better price, better amenities, or even a better landlord.

Keep in mind that guests will read a lot of listings, so you’ll need to stand out from your competition. A great way to do that is by avoiding phrases like, ‘great amenities’ or ‘convenient location.’ It’s more impactful to describe the unique attributes of your unit.

Highlight popular features if you have them. According to Resortifi’s filters of amenities, including things like farmhouse sinks, barn doors, subway tiles, and quartz are selling points. Units with these features are rented faster and for more money, so be sure to highlight popular features in your listing description if you have them

  • Incorporate Style in Your Listing Description

If your unit is luxurious because it is fully updated, then describe what is updated. It’s more effective to highlight what your unit offers a tenant — maybe it’s a faster commute because your unit is close to the train, or maybe it’s a fun neighborhood with bars nearby.

Likewise, exclamation points and all caps often have the opposite effect than you desire. If you want to stir up excitement, then write what’s great about your unit. You don’t have to be a salesperson — be straightforward and genuine. Remember that word choice and descriptors are powerful. You can say “large family room,” but it’s better to say, “spacious family room with bay windows”.

  • Listing Description Length and Format

The ideal description is four to six sentences. Pick two of your best features and one exciting attraction nearby. Short, informative sentences are all you need.

Rental listing descriptions are best formatted as a paragraph. Bullet-points are great for lists, but the description is not a list — it should be full of useful, persuasive information. It’s a more professional format.

  • Comply With Fair Housing Laws Be sure to comply with all laws throughout your search for a new guest It’s a violation of Fair Housing laws to mention national origin, race, gender, disability, religion, or familial status anywhere in your description. For instance, you can’t write, “Looking for a young couple.”

This is true throughout the entire rental process. As you’re showing your rental property, it’s illegal to say things like “This building is perfect for a family with kids” or steer certain tenants to a particular unit.

The listing description is the biggest piece of content in your listing, so it’s important to do it well. Keep it simple, paint a picture, and highlight your top selling points.