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What are the host reliability standards on Resortifi ?

In addition to behaving in accordance with our Community Standards, which apply to all community members, hosts of places to stay must meet the following host standards:

  • Host commitment
  • Listing cleanliness
  • Listing accuracy
  • Host communication

Our goal is to ensure that these standards are clear, and that our enforcement is proportionate to the severity and persistence of the violation.

Host commitment

  • Guests’ travel experiences on Resortifi start at the minute of booking. Hosts who commit to reservations are expected to uphold those reservations to the best of their abilities, to help ensure that guests can begin travel planning with confidence. Host cancellations greatly inconvenience guests, and the closer a cancellation occurs to the check-in date, the greater an implication it has on guests’ ability to travel.

  • Cancellations: Hosts should not cancel accepted reservations, absent extenuating circumstances or indicators that a guest may violate an enforceable house rule or Resortifi policy. If a cancellation is unavoidable, hosts should do their best to cancel with as much lead time as possible and contact us if they need assistance.

  • Check-in: Hosts should ensure their guests have the information needed to access a listing at check-in (ex: provide correct directions, update keycode, etc.).

Listing cleanliness

To feel truly at home in a listing, guests expect clean accommodations. Providing unclean spaces is not only detrimental to guests’ experiences; it could also pose health risks to guests and their travel companions. In the interest of guest safety, satisfaction, and comfort, Resorifi requires that all hosts provide listings that meet a minimum standard of cleanliness, and will support guests who have checked into listings that fall below that standard.

  • Health and safety: Listings should be free of health hazards (ex: mold, pests, or vermin).

  • Cleanliness: Hosts should provide listings that meet a high standard of cleanliness (ex: free of mildew in poolside, extensive dust or pet dander, etc.).

  • Guest turnover: Hosts should be sure to clean between every stay (ex: do laundry, take out trash, vacuum/sweep, wipe down surfaces, etc.).

Listing accuracy

Hosts have full autonomy over their listings’ categorizations and features, and over the amenities they would like to offer to guests. When hosts fail to uphold their promised listing commitments, it may harm guests’ experiences and trust in Resortifi. Therefore, Resortifi requires that all listing categorizations, features, and amenities detailed on the listing page at the time of booking accurately reflect the categorizations, features, and amenities present at the listing from check-in to checkout.

  • Booking details: Hosts should only change the parameters of an accepted booking with guest consent (ex: adjust the dates, price, etc.).

  • Location: The location information provided for the listing should be accurate.

  • Rental type: The type of property (ex: list of pool, backyard, sharing or sole), the set up of the listing (ex: list bathroom), or the level of privacy (ex: fail to disclose an on-site property manager) should accurately reflect the physical space.

  • Amenities: The host should accurately represent the available amenities and features offered in their listing (ex: not advertise a pool slide that is broken).

  • Property: The listing booked should be the one that is provided. Hosts should only substitute one listing for another with prior guest consent.

Host communication

We expect that hosts or co-hosts have provided up-to-date contact information, and are available to respond to guest inquiries or unexpected issues that may arise during stays.

  • Answering questions: Hosts should be responsive and willing to answer questions and help resolve host standards violations at a listing.

  • Resolving problems: Hosts should be responsive and willing to make resolution efforts or abide by remediation requirements from Resortifi for host standards violations.