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1. What are the key requirements a Resortifi host must fulfill?

To help create comfortable, reliable stays for guests, we ask all Hosts to meet these requirements for each of their listings:

Be responsive: Keep your response rate high by replying to inquiries and trip requests within 24 hours

Accept trip requests: Make guests feel welcome by accepting requests whenever you’re available

Avoid canceling on guests: Take cancellations seriously and try to avoid them—they’re a huge inconvenience

Maintain a high overall rating: Guests expect a consistent level of quality, no matter where they book.

Essential amenities

We strongly encourage you to provide essential amenities in all your places. These are items that guests consider important for a comfortable stay and include toilet paper, towels, linens, pillows, and hand and body soap.

2. How can I prepare myself to host my property?

Both professionals and first-timers alike can always benefit from a little bit of prep. Here’s how to knock hosting out of the park and set yourself up for a great review.

Get your calendar in shape

Managing your calendar is a big part of hosting—it keeps things convenient for you and your guests.

  • Sync other calendars and keep everything up to date so you only get trip requests when you’re available
  • Set your pricing per hour
  • Set trip minimums/maximums
  • Set when guests can check in and out
  • Give yourself enough preparation time between bookings
  • Resortifi can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account, so make sure everything's completed

Organize guest information

  • If you want guests to verify ID before booking, make sure you have set that up
  • Get to know guests beforehand by checking out their profiles or starting a conversation to set the tone for their stay
  • Write check-in instructions and include contact information, wifi passwords, your neighborhood guide, house rules, and any other information guests need to get situated and comfortable

Prepare your place

  • Consider self check-in to provide access if you’re not around
  • Bulk-buy amenities to offer guests—soap, bottled water, or snacks are a good start
  • Have a few extra sets of sheets and towels on hand
  • Consider professional cleaning and management services—many Hosts include a cleaning fee to offset the cost

3. Can I ask my guest to sign a contract before renting my pool or backyard?

As a Host, you can ask guests to sign a contract before renting your place, but you must disclose the actual contract terms prior to booking. The easiest way to do this is to mention it in your listing description and include the full terms in your message thread with the guest.

If you ask a guest to sign a contract without notifying them before booking, they can decline and ask you to cancel the booking. Keep in mind, Resortifi can’t help enforce any special policies in your contract.

4. What are the Resortifi requirements for me to fulfill to be verified as a host?

When you host a Resortifi, you may be asked to provide information such as your legal name, date of birth, or government ID for verification. These details are required by law as part of a process called Know Your Customer (KYC). If anything’s incorrect, you may not be able to get paid.

KYC requirements

KYC is a regulatory requirement to help protect our community from fraud and to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Nearly every large company licensed to issue payments to individuals has to comply with KYC—in other words, we’re required to know who’s getting paid.

Why this is important

If any information is incorrect or incomplete, your payouts may be interrupted until we can verify your Host account, and your account could even be flagged as potentially fraudulent.

How we use your information

Rest assured, we value your privacy and safety. When we ask for personal information, we take proper measures to protect it. We only verify the information you provide to help keep your account secure and to help prevent financial crimes. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

What’s required?

The exact information we request may vary by regional regulations. Typically, it includes:

  • Your legal name: This is what appears on a government ID or official document. It may differ from your Resortifi profile name. What you enter as your legal name won’t change your profile name.
  • Your home address: This is the physical address where you live, which may differ from your Resortifi listing address(es). It’s used to confirm your identity and won’t be shown on your listing or shared with guests.
  • Your date of birth: You may have entered this elsewhere, but we still need to confirm it.
  • Your place of birth, citizenship, and/or nationality: This is only used to confirm your identity.
  • You may also be asked to provide a government ID.

When business information is required

If you have a registered business, partnership, or a private or public company, and if your Host account is in any way connected to one or more businesses, the KYC process may require us to also verify your business info. We may also be required to confirm information like your Tax ID as well as government IDs for people associated with your Host account, such as those who manage bookings and payments using your Host account and the owners, managers, or directors of any businesses related to it.

When beneficial owner information is required

A beneficial owner is anyone who directly or indirectly owns or controls more than 25% of a business. If there’s a registered business or legal entity associated with your Host account, you’ll be asked to provide information for these people who own or control the company. This information is also required by KYC in order to prevent financial crimes.

5. What to do if a guest makes me uncomfortable?

You set the rules for your place—it’s as simple as that. If you have a guest who has broken a house rule or done something to make you feel unsafe, you don’t have to take their booking.

Before you’ve accepted a booking

Check out these safety tips to help you get to know potential guests, set up your place for success, and protect yourself.

Declining an individual trip request won’t negatively impact your listing’s placement. However, your search result placement may be impacted if you frequently decline requests.

After you’ve accepted a booking

If you have already accepted the booking, you can cancel it.

Find out if your situation will allow you to cancel penalty-free, such as if you’ve learned your guest is planning a big (and unauthorized) party, or if they're bringing their pooches when your listing specifically said no pets.

Flagging inappropriate messages

If a message from a guest makes you uncomfortable, let us know by flagging it. Just open the message thread and click or tap the flag icon next to the message you want reviewed.

6. How can I check the guest’s profile photo?

Checking out your guest’s photo is a great way to get to know them. If it’s not available, here’s why:

  • The booking isn't confirmed. Their photo only becomes available after confirmation.
  • They don’t have one. While we strongly encourage  guests to add photos, we don’t require them—but you can.

It’s important for you to feel comfortable with your guests. If a guest’s photo doesn't include their face, or it features something unhelpful—like a cartoon—you can contact us to cancel penalty-free.

7. I have both a pool and a backyard to rent. How can I create a separate listing for each?

So, you’re ready to list a pool or backyard?. It’s easy—just create a new listing in the Host section of your profile.

After you publish your listing, it may take up to 48 hours for it to appear in search results.

Thinking about how to attract guests and secure bookings? Get tips in the Help Center about crafting a great listing description.

8. What are the host reliability standards at Resortifi?

In addition to behaving in accordance with our Community Standards, which apply to all community members, hosts of places to stay must meet the following host standards:

  • Host commitment
  • Listing cleanliness
  • Listing accuracy
  • Host communication

Our goal is to ensure that these standards are clear, and that our enforcement is proportionate to the severity and persistence of the violation.

Resortifi’s host standards for stays

  • Host commitment

Guests’ experiences on Resortifi start at the minute of booking. Hosts who commit to bookings are expected to uphold those bookings to the best of their abilities, to help ensure that guests can begin planning with confidence. Host cancellations greatly inconvenience guests, and the closer a cancellation occurs to the check-in date, the greater an implication it has on guests’ ability to visit.

  • Cancellations: Hosts should not cancel accepted bookings, absent extenuating circumstances or indicators that a guest may violate an enforceable house rule or Resortifi policy. If a cancellation is unavoidable, hosts should do their best to cancel with as much lead-time as possible and contact Resortifi if they need assistance.

  • Check-in: Hosts should ensure their guests have the information needed to access a listing at check-in (ex: provide correct directions, update keycode, etc.).

  • Listing cleanliness

To feel truly at home in a listing, guests expect clean accommodations. Providing unclean spaces is not only detrimental to guests’ experiences; it could also pose health risks to guests and their companions. In the interest of guest safety, satisfaction, and comfort, Resortifi requires that all hosts provide listings that meet a minimum standard of cleanliness, and will support guests who have checked into listings that fall below that standard.

  • Health and safety: Listings should be free of health hazards (ex: mold, pests, or vermin).

  • Cleanliness: Hosts should provide listings that meet a high standard of cleanliness (ex: free of mildew in showers, extensive dust or pet dander, etc.).

  • Guest turnover: Hosts should be sure to clean between every stay (ex: pool cleaning, take out trash, vacuum/sweep, wipe down surfaces, etc.).

  • Listing accuracy

Hosts have full autonomy over their listings’ categorizations and features, and over the amenities they would like to offer to guests. When hosts fail to uphold their promised listing commitments, it may harm guests’ experiences and trust in Resortifi. Therefore, Resortifi requires that all listing categorizations, features, and amenities detailed on the listing page at the time of booking accurately reflect the categorizations, features, and amenities present at the listing from check-in to checkout.

  • Booking details: Hosts should only change the parameters of an accepted booking with guest consent (ex: adjust the dates, price, etc.).

  • Location: The location information provided for the listing should be accurate.

  • Pool/backyard type: The type of accommodation, the setup of the listing, or the level of privacy (ex: fail to disclose an on-site property manager) should accurately reflect the physical space.

  • Amenities: The host should accurately represent the available amenities and features offered in their listing (ex: not advertise a hot tub that is broken).

  • Property: The listing booked should be the one that is provided. Hosts should only substitute one listing for another with prior guest consent.

  • Host communication

We expect that hosts or co-hosts have provided up-to-date contact information, and are available to respond to guest inquiries or unexpected issues that may arise during stays.

  • Answering questions: Hosts should be responsive and willing to answer questions and help resolve host standards violations at a listing.

  • Resolving problems: Hosts should be responsive and willing to make resolution efforts or abide by remediation requirements from Resortifi for host standards violations.

  • Reporting a violation

If you are a guest who is dealing with a violation of these hosting standards during your stay, we ask that you:

  • Communicate with your host—they're in the best position to ensure a quick resolution.

  • Document the issue through Resortifi message thread correspondence, photos, etc.

  • Familiarize yourself with the requirements of our Guest Refund Policy.

  • Report any issues directly by contacting us or request a refund through the Resolution Center.

  • Leave an honest review with feedback so that the host can improve for future guests.

  • Holding hosts to these standards

Hosts who cancel bookings without an extenuating circumstance or indicators that a guest may violate an enforceable house rule or Resortifi policy will face cancellation penalties on their account.

Resortifi reviews each reported violation of these host standards and determines whether a violation has occurred. Depending on the severity of the violation, we may refund a guest from a host’s payout and/or suspend a listing until the host performs remedial actions. For instance:
  • In cases of cleanliness reports, Resortifi may suspend listings until hosts can provide documentation of professional inspections or deep cleanings of their listings to try and ensure future guests are not impacted by a health hazard.

  • In cases of misclassifications, Resortifi may suspend listings until hosts can confirm they have either corrected their listing details and/or fixed or replaced broken amenities.

A reported violation of any of these standards is considered alongside past violations, which informs the enforcement decisions made by Resortifi. Reports are reviewed on both the severity and frequency of violations.

Based on this review, a host may face removal of payouts, listing suspension, and potentially permanent removal of their listings or accounts.