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1. Does Resortifi provide any insurance or protection to the hosts or guests for damages or unforeseen circumstances?

Our Resortifi Protection Guarantee ensures that our hosts and guests are compensated in case if something goes wrong as a result of any reservation.

Right now, the Resortifi Protection Guarantee can be availed by hosts or guests at zero charges.

Two programs are available for hosts and guests:

  • Host Liability Insurance – Hosts can have up to $1,000,000 of applicable insurance-backed coverage (by Evanston Insurance Company, an A-Rated Insurance Carrier) if there is any guest injury during Resortifi reservation. The coverage covers defense costs in case of legal dispute for which Resortifi and Resortifi's registered hosts are legally liable.
  • Property Damage Protection - Hosts can have up to $10,000 if a host's property is damaged during a Resortifi reservation and the guest is reluctant or unable to pay for the same. All Property Damage claim reimbursements are based on the contribution of $250 by the host for a reservation having10 or fewer guests and $500 by the host for a reservation with more than 10 guests.

2. What is covered in the insurance?

The host liability insurance covers pool and grill-related injuries during the Resortifi booked for and paid reservation period. It is to be noted that at present, the Australia reservations are not covered; however, may be added in near future.

Damages to the host’s pool, pool equipment, outdoor furniture, or grills that are rented out during a Resortifi reservation

The property damage protection covers the damages that happened to the host's pools, furniture, grills, and rented equipment, during the Resortifi reservation period.

3. What is not covered in the insurance?

Host Liability Insurance

The following are not covered by the host liability insurance:

  • Injuries beyond the Resortifi reservation period
  • Pets injuries even during the Resortifi reservation
  • Damages or injuries derived from alcohol consumption
  • Injuries resulting from swings, trampolines, or bounce-house/inflatables
  • Injuries from intentional acts such as assault and battery, sexual abuse, or molestation
  • Injuries arising from the operation of any vehicle during a Resortifi reservation.
  • Natural disasters are derived from injuries including pollution, earthquakes, and weather-related events like rain, wind, etc.
  • Injuries from communicable diseases, bacteria or microorganisms, or the substances having actual or potential harm to human health
  • Losses reported after 72 hours of the date of the reservation and/or not sufficiently documented.

Property Damage Guarantee

The following are not covered by the property damage insurance:

  • Damages beyond the Resortifi reservation period

  • Damages caused by pets, children, or others living in the host's home

  • Losses coming from manufacturer's or a product's faults, pre-existing damages or states of the item or property, usual wear, and tear, or deterioration

  • Losses coming from theft or stolen property

  • Losses arising from intentional acts like identity theft or fraud

  • Losses due to natural disasters like pollution, earthquakes, and weather-related events like rain, wind, etc

4. Is the Resortifi Protection Guarantee an insurance program?

The Resortifi Protection Guarantee is the mutual agreement that protects hosts and guests and is subject to the Resortifi's Terms of Service.

  • This program doesn't substitute the host's homeowner policy but can partially cover the gap of the same through its insurance-backed coverage, available without any additional charges for all Resortifi platform reservations.

  • For property damage, Resortifi’s Terms of Service make guests responsible to bear any property damage to a host’s property. In case of any conflict, the program’s applicable coverage protects the host.

These programs are not like a stand-in for homeowners’ insurance.

Based on the claim and its amount, the reimbursement under the Resortifi Protection Guarantee might be paid by Resortifi.

5. What is the term period for the Resortifi Protection Guarantee?

The current term of our program is April 15, 2021, to March 31, 2022.