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These Pool Features Are A Real Boost To Your Rental Income

· 9 min read
Sana Naz

If you are a homeowner and want to increase the value of your rental properties, you should consider adding a swimming pool. Adding extra features to your rental home will give your property an edge in the current fiercely competitive market. In-house swimming pools are a great way to relax and play a vital role in instantly increasing the value of a property.

The idea to have a water body inside the property premises sounds excellent to both the tenants and the landlord. A swimming pool would only add value to your home if properly maintained. Consider a few benefits of installing a pool inside your rental space.

  • The property value increases quickly.
  • More tenants are attracted due to this feature.
  • The investment is reliable and long-term.
  • A swimming pool would improve the appeal of the house.
  • Higher rents as compared to the properties without swimming pools.

Upgrading Your Swimming Pool.

Gone is the time when we all enjoyed a dip in a primary pool. Nowadays, people are not excited about spending time in a simple swimming pool. Even the pools that are best designed become conventional and outdated after some time. A practical idea to sustain the value of your swimming pool is to add a few state-of-the-art amenities to it. By doing this, you are upgrading your pool according to the latest trends and increasing your rental prospects simultaneously within very little time.

Features To Add To Your Swimming Pool.

Here are a few exciting features you can add to your pool to give it a fantastic upgrade and make it more functional and attractive for your tenants at the same time.

Automated Leveler.


The water level of swimming pools drops rapidly due to evaporation. This means the lost water needs to be filled back in the pool. Thus, adding an automatic water level feature to your water pool would help keep the water level balanced when the water evaporates. Water levelers are often built-in in modern pools, but you have to install one if your pool is older. This feature would be a great help in maintaining your swimming pool, and your tenants would always find just the proper water level whenever they would go for a swim.

Landscaping Or Hardscaping?


Landscaping around swimming pools has become immensely popular in the previous and the current year. Adding plants, beds, and borders are great options to give your swimming area an inviting and aesthetically pleasing appeal. But, while being natural and beautiful, landscaping requires tons of maintenance. Therefore, a more feasible option can be a hardscaping feature that includes non-living decor items like rocks, stones, fountains, and boulders. These things do not require complex maintenance or physical labor. Here are some examples of what you can add when hardscaping your pool area.

  • Paved paths and patios
  • Fencing
  • Pebbles and rock walls

Hardscaping, your pool area, is a great idea but ensure that it looks appealing to your tenants' eyes.

Saltwater System.


Another trending swimming pool feature is a saltwater system. The swimming experience in pools with saltwater systems installed is entirely different and unique. This is something that would draw more tenants to rent your property. So what does a saltwater system do? A saltwater pool system is an equipment installed in a swimming pool to keep the water sanitized and clean. Rather than adding chlorine to the pool, you can simply add some table salt into the water, and the saltwater system would convert it into chlorine. Here are a few benefits of adding a saltwater system to your pool.

  • Pools with saltwater systems are gentler on clothes and bodies.
  • They are free of the chlorine smell.
  • The water is soft as compared to the water with chlorine.
  • Their maintenance does not break your bank as salt costs cheaper than chlorine.

Trendy Finishes.

Pool designs that were once trendy and in style gradually become old-fashioned and outdated. However, one thing that does not go out of trend ever is mosaic tiles. For many years, pools with mosaic finished tiles have become a symbol of luxury, art, and craftsmanship. Adding the feature of handcrafted mosaic tiles to your swimming pool would be a lifetime investment for style and beauty. Apart from how they look, the mosaic tiles are convenient to maintain and attract more residents to your rental property. If you have ever wondered how hotels and resorts make their pools look pure blue and sparkling, then mosaic tiles are the key to your query. You can, too, bring them home in your very own swimming pool.

Spa & Jacuzzi.


Pool spas, jacuzzis, and hot tubs always seem to top the list of the latest pool trends each year. To give your pool an upgrade, you should install spa and jacuzzi features that operate on the newest technology. Since you look forward to getting higher rents with a pool in your rental property, you should keep in mind that people nowadays are interested in enjoying their time outdoors all year long. Therefore, installing a jacuzzi with a heating feature would greatly help. Waterfalls and fountains are also great features to add to your swimming pool, making it an aesthetic outdoor sanctuary. You can also opt to build a spa tub in the center of your pool to give it a resort-pool-like look with an attractive appeal.


To make your rental property more worthwhile money-wise and attract more tenants with higher rents, it makes complete sense that you want to add inherent features to your swimming pools. For instance, creating built-in ledges or seats can offer a unique experience for every resident using your pool.

LED Lighting.


At present, the LED lighting feature is everybody's choice, everywhere. Outlining the edge of your swimming pool inside or outside with multi-color bright LED lights can be an excellent upgrade to your pool. These state-of-the-art lights are energy-efficient, easy to set up, and far more pleasing than outdated conventional stripe lights. Thanks to the latest technology, these lights are shock and water-proof, and you can manage these lights at the convenience of your phone or laptop. With a vast range of colors and brightness options available, the pool LED lights can also be synchronized with many security systems and entertainment equipment.

Combined Water & Fire.


While both of these elements are totally opposite, they can be beautifully brought together around your pool area to upgrade its visual intrigue and create a resort-like, luxurious vibe. This upgrade feature is a bit overpriced but totally worth it. A luxury feature doubles the value of the space it is installed in. This year, many pool owners opt for this feature and choose options that combine fire and water in a single body. For example, you can install a fire bowl on the top of a short pillar, with a cascading waterfall running down from it into the swimming pool.

UV Sanitizers.

Many factors have got together to become a reason for the shortage of chlorine globally. Therefore among the alternative ways to keep your swimming spaces cleaned and sanitized, one way is UV sanitizers. As the name suggests, these sanitizers use ultraviolet rays to prevent the growth of bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms and eventually kill them away. Adding a sanitizer feature would be a helpful upgrade as it kills almost 99.99% of microorganisms, along with chlorine-resistant ones. Additionally, these sanitizers do their cleaning job more effectively than chlorine and do not release any harmful by-products. They are also cost-effective for maintenance by eliminating adding chemicals in the swimming pool. This pool feature is not a visual treat but is very useful to show off to your tenants upon asking what your pool consists of.

Smart Technology.

We agree that technology and Artificial Intelligence have made the majority of aspects of our lives convenient and more straightforward. And now, homeowners are looking forward to attracting tenants for their rental property via adding swimming pools; they want to move a step ahead by incorporating the newest technology into those water bodies. For example, with the ease of your phone or computer or a web-enabled device, you can instantly turn on your spas, landscape lights, pool LEDs, etc. Another way of making your pool "smarter" is to add self-cleaning devices so that your collection stays immaculate all the time and the residents do not have to do the hard work of cleaning the pool manually.

Small-sized Pools.


This is not an upgrade but just an idea for those who want to boost their rental income by adding a swimming pool inside their property premises.

While resort-like giant pools are beautiful, they do not fit with the space and budget of every homeowner. This results in people opting for smaller-sized pools, often known as "cocktail pools." These swimming pools are usually shallow water bodies 4 ft or less than 4 ft deep and around 300-400 square meters in size. However, the pool's small size does not mean you cannot install any other feature in it. You can easily customize your mini-pool with heaters, jets, and spa features.

Seamless Edges.


Last but not least, one of the hottest trends in the pool world is making your pool appear infinite. This infinity pool feature has been among the leading pool trends for many years and remains on top in the current times. It would be quite an experience for the residents of your rental home to enjoy the seamless swimming pool as long as they stay there.

Parting Ways.

Installing a swimming pool inside your rental space is a great idea to increase the value of your property. However, you have to make sure that you have enough financial support to sustain the maintenance cost for the pools to become an essential asset of your property in the future. Design a pool that incorporates the interior space with the exteriors to add value. This would act as an extension of the inside living space and can be used in daily life routine. However, more tenants would get attracted to lease your property, and it will serve as an accessible amenity for you if you decide to stop renting out your property in the future.