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· 9 min read
Sana Naz


Most pet owners consider their pet animals part of their family and would not even consider renting a property that does not allow them to enter. When you think about how many people are looking for a rental property that allows pets, it may be worth it to welcome tenants with their four-legged furry creatures. You may be more worried about the damage that pets can cause to your property, especially when you have a swimming pool inside your rental home.

Pros and cons of allowing pets to your rental property.

As summer arrives, more people have started looking to rent homes with swimming pools to enjoy a private swimming experience. However, people with pets stay a little hesitant as it is harder to find rental properties that allow their pets. Therefore, renting out your property to tenants with pets has pros and cons. Have a look.

Pros to allowing pets.

**Higher rental charges.

By allowing pets at your property, especially dogs and cats, you can charge a higher rent from your tenants, especially when there are no or fewer properties nearby that are pet-friendly. This can give you a competitive edge with the properties that do not allow pets, depending on the current market value. Also, when you decide to allow pets on your rental property, you would build your house features accordingly. Therefore, it is natural to demand higher rents because of your careful planning and making your space, especially the swimming pool, a pet-friendly one.

**Longer tenure.

Since you will make your place pet-friendly by implementing all the safety measures around your swimming pool, your tenants with pets would love to stay at your home for a longer tenure. If the tenants have rented your pool or house with a pool for a vacation, then they are most likely to revisit the following year, renewing their lease.

**A large number of applicants.

Already property owners with a swimming pool in their houses have more applicants than properties without a pool. If you make your house a pet-friendly one, just imagine how the tenancy applications would skyrocket within no time. This would also give you an edge to choose the tenant who would best fit your requirements.

Cons to allowing pets.

**Property damage.

There are certain animal behaviors that property owners can associate with causing damage to their property, especially swimming pools. Talking about pet cats and dogs, they can cause pool damages like scratched walls, messed up vinyl pool liners, filter clogs with shedding fur and dirt in the pool water, urinating inside the water, destring the surrounding landscape, etc.


It is a risk of allowing pets on your rental property with a swimming pool because pets can cause injuries, not to themselves alone, but to other tenants as most animals, especially dogs, get aggressive around water, resulting in biting people.

What about making your swimming pool pet safe?

If you want to make your house pet-friendly, you have some additional responsibilities to keep your pool area safe and secure for pet animals like dogs and cats as a pool property owner. The pool area must be kept pet-safe, and the visitors need to be monitored to avoid accidents. Accidents can happen even if the pool is not in use. For example, your tenant's pet might wander around the water and slip when no one is watching. Here are a few safety precautions you can take to make your swimming pool safe for tenants with pets.

Pool Fence.


To safeguard pet animals around the swimming pool area, consider building a pool fence. This method has been used for the past few years, but complete safety is not guaranteed because the fence gate that gives access to the pool may be its weakest point. For example, it takes less than a second for your tenants to leave the fence gate opened, and your pet might enter when no one is around. Failing to lock the gate at all times makes the fence's purpose useless. However, you should warn your tenants to keep the fence gate closed at all times when the pool is not in use.

Pool covers.


Building a fence around the swimming pool would not look appealing for modern rental houses, thus being not popular anymore. This is the reason why property owners with pools have started looking for alternatives, out of which one is a pool cover. These pool covers prevent the pool water from evaporating as low water can risk the pets as they would be unable to get out of the swimming pool. However, you must keep in mind that not all pool covers are meant to provide safety for pet animals. For example, a thermal blanket is designed to maintain pool water temperature and not pet safety. Similarly, loose pool covers are not meant for security either, as the pet might dive in the water and get stuck beneath the pool cover, resulting in drowning. Therefore, after viewing the following characteristics, pool owners should invest in a pool cover for their tenant's pets.

  • The cover must not entangle or trap.
  • The cover must not allow the pets any kind of access to the water.
  • The cover firmly locks with an animal-proof mechanism.
  • The cover must hold the weight of different animals like dogs and cats.
  • The cover must be made with robust and durable material.
  • The cover must be able to retain water, reducing maximum evaporation.

Pool stairs or ramps for pet dogs.

The majority of people have pets that are mostly dogs. It is essential to know that not all dogs are born swimmers. Therefore, it is necessary to take necessary pool safety measures to allow pets at your property. If someone's dog accidentally falls inside the water, then there should be some exit point in your pool to avoid consequences, such as drowning. Consider building a swimming pool with zero-depth entry, underwater stairs, or an entry ramp. These options would serve as a safe exit point for the dogs and save a pet's life.

Pool alarms.

Building pet-friendly pools mean swimming pools that would precisely cater to your tenant's needs, with all the safety concerns that they might have regarding their pets. A great example of the latter is a water disturbance alarm. This tool will alert your tenants if it notices any motion in the pool water while the pool is not in use by the tenants. Unfortunately, these water alarms are not ideal as the swimming pool is situated outdoors, and the notice would even notify if it detects water motion caused by wind or leaves. This would add one more protection layer for pet animals.

Life jackets.

Life jackets come in handy with pets like dogs or cats. You can buy some life jackets and encourage your tenants to make their pet dogs or cats those jackets before taking them inside the water.

Tips on pet pool safety.


Here are a few points to consider if you are a pool property owner and want to allow tenants with pets at your rental property.

  • Not only safety inside the pool is vital, but make sure that the material you choose to build the surrounding area of your pool must be non-slippery to prevent accidental happenings.
  • The material of choice to build decks must be a weak conductor of energy and should not get very hot in the summer season. Most humans wear shoes or slippers and do not know how hot the deck might get baking under the sun all day. The pet animals would not be wearing slippers; choose wisely.
  • Provide a shaded and well-ventilated space for animals around the swimming pool.
  • Construct your pool according to a pet's point of view. For example, if you have some hidden water features installed inside your pool, your tenant's pet dog would not be able to identify that, thus increasing the risk of its injury.
  • Ask your tenants to switch off the cleaning equipment in the pool when they take their pets for a swim inside the water.
  • If your pool has a hot tub installed, encourage your tenants to keep it closed at all times when not in use. The animals might not be able to tolerate the heat and die.

Other Important things to remember.

**Include pet policy in your lease.

If you have decided to make your property pet-friendly, you should add a pet-related clause to your addendum and ensure every tenant reads it carefully and signs it. The policy should be clear about your expectations from your tenants with pets, and if they violate those rules, it would be considered a breach of contract.

**Check your insurance coverage.

To make your rental property a pet-friendly space, you should check your insurance policy and what kind of coverage it provides, and the amount of insurance coverage your policy has. Talk to a professional insurance agent and ask if there are any exclusions or limitations to your insurance coverage. For example, you could ask your insurance company to provide you with a list of dog breeds you should allow at your property and what breeds your insurance policy does not cover.

The final words.

Remember, it is totally your decision to make your property, especially a house with a swimming pool, pet-friendly or not. With some significant pros that pets bring to the table, there are also some unavoidable cons related to them. Therefore, it is essential to weigh all these good and bad points before finalizing your decision. However, all you invest in making your pool a pet-friendly space is a single-time investment that can be fruitful for years and years. More and more people these days own pets and look for properties that would allow their four-legged friends inside, with all the safety measures implemented.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


Finally, the summer season is on its way! It would be nothing wrong to say that we miss so many things about summer. Those balmy nights, endless lights, and the ice cream delights - the summer seasons bring them all. Above all, everybody misses lounging in the pools and, of course, parties by the poolside!

Who does not want a small pool at the convenience of their own backyard? Today, modern pools are not just old rectangular-shaped, big-sized water bodies. They can be found in every shape and size, along with other luxuries incorporated with them like waterfalls, spas, surrounding landscapes, etc.

The Plunge Pool

Having a small or a compact backyard space does not mean that you have to say goodbye to your pool building idea! The rapidly growing trend of having compact backyard sizes has given rise to hundreds of options for plunge swimming pools. Therefore, a plunge pool is a fantastic way to enjoy all privacy, like a swimming pool in your own house. It would not cost you an arm or a leg to maintain and would also not dominate a vast space in your yard.

Making a dreamy plunge pool in home

The first thing to remember when designing a plunge pool for your backyard is that there are no definite rules that you should stick to. It is all about building a water body that perfectly fits your space, complements the surroundings, and fits within your estimated budget. So, here are a few suggestions to make a stunning plunge pool in your backyard space.

Plan out a functionally fabulous and sensational plunge pool.


When making a plunge pool at home, you should remember not to overcomplicate the design by adding too many features. Make sure to keep things as minimalistic as possible. However, these small pools require lots of pre-planning. The more effort you put in planning out your plunge pool, the better the result will be. You cannot do a few basic things in a plunge pool like a standard rectangular pool like diving or swimming laps. But this does not mean that plunge pools are no fun. A small-sized pool is an excellent source of entertainment, so you just need to adjust your expectations accordingly.

Integration with the home aesthetics.


A good, simple design is paramount when building a small plunge pool. Your water body needs to be in harmony with your home aesthetics and the pool's surroundings. Your pool requires to own the space it is being built in; therefore, planning the proportion and designing complementing aesthetics of your plunge pool is an essential step before the implementation begins.

Make your plunge pool a multi-purpose one.


If you are making a plunge pool for your compact outdoor space, you should consider adding some decorative features to your water body when it is not being used as a pool. For example, you can add aesthetic features like a water wall, a facade, spout or a subtle fountain, built-in planters, or even fire pits. All these elements have the power to transform your simple plunge pool into a gorgeous oasis that is stunning to look at all year round.

Build your plunge pool deep rather than long.

This is an excellent idea for compact spaces. If you have limited space in your backyard, there is no need to drop your idea of having a beautiful swimming pool. All you need is to focus on making your plunge pool deeper rather than increasing its size or width. Ensure to install safe step ledges on each side of the plunge pool.

How about a spa?

Adding a luxury element to your plunge pool always works best. How about you want to add something that greatly complements your small pool? Nothing can be a better answer other than adding a spa or a jacuzzi to your pool. The benefit of adding a spa or a jacuzzi to your plunge pool other than just a luxury element is that you can save a lot of space by installing built-in seating inside the pool, thus reducing the surrounding deck's size. Another benefit of having a built-in jacuzzi in your pool is that you can use it all year long, even in colder seasons, with its heating feature.

Long but lean.


If space is not a problem, you can always build a long plunge pool. However, we suggest keeping the width lean to develop a long swimming pool. This way, you can enjoy everything you can do in a standard rectangular swimming pool. Plunge pools that are longer in length can serve as beautiful and decorative water bodies if enhanced with innovative structural features like fencing and planters.

The access to your plunge pool.

Plunge pools are called plunge pools for a reason. These pools do not have full perimeter access like regular, big pools. Instead, you can dip into your small pool only through single access, like stairs going into the water or other single-sided access.

Infinity plunge pool.


The idea of building a small infinity pool is at the top of today's pool trends. However, creating an infinity pool entirely depends on the elevation and position of your property. You can build an infinity plunge pool by blurring the boundaries of the main pool and by adding another water body below. This would give an illusion of a mini infinity pool while making your plunge pool appear larger than it actually is.

The construction material.

Concrete, fibreglass, or vinyl? There is no correct answer to what material would work best to construct a plunge pool. You just need to research which material would offer you the most benefits. However, we recommend going for a custom-designed plunge pool made of concrete, as they are more flexible when it comes to shape and sizes and would be the best option for compact outdoor spaces.

Giving your plunge pool that 'dreamy' element

Today, swimming pools are not just used for sunbathing and swimming. They are now great sources of entertainment, design, and adding style to your outdoor space. Here are a few ideas to help you make your plunge pool look dreamy and stunning all year long.

Add waterfalls and dramatic lights.


Adding a water facade or a waterfall can enhance the look of your plunge pool pretty instantly. However, you need to work out the waterfall setting to blend perfectly with your pool instead of giving an odd feel. Furthermore, if you want to give your pool and your outdoor space a more dramatic sense, consider adding some low lights inside the water to make your pool appear subtle and soothing even at night.

Think about a poolside fireplace.

Adding fireplaces or fire pits is an excellent way to use your plunge pool all year long. There is nothing better than sitting near your pool with a warm fire and a stunning view all around. This way, you can keep yourself entertained throughout the year, even if you cannot go into the water because of cold weather.

Natural vibes are the best.

If you do not like the idea of an overly manicured pool, then keeping it as natural as possible would be a great idea. You can keep the perimeter stone narrow and allow the flora to grow freely with a bit of care and cultivation. The plants and trees surrounding your plunge pool would not only provide fresh oxygen but would give excellent nature vibes in every season.

FAQS related to making a plunge pool

Here are some frequently asked questions when designing a plunge pool in your home.

What should be the size of my plunge pool?

The size of your plunge pool totally depends on the size of your outdoor space. However, the most common sizes for plunge pools are 5 x 3 metres and 4 x 4 metres.

How can I choose a location to make a plunge pool?

To choose the best location for building a plunge pool, you can start by marking the most eligible sites in your backyard, like shady or sunny spots, depending on your preference. We recommend building the pool where you can view it from indoors as well.

How can I make my plunge pool more functional?

Along with building some entry stairs, you can install large underwater ledges or seats to relax. As mentioned above, to add a luxury element, consider adding a spa or a pool heater.

What tile material should I choose to build my plunge pool?

Porcelain is one of the most famous choices to build swimming pool tiles because of its durability and strength. Opt for blue hues for the tiles and add a dramatic touch by using black or any other darker shade.

How can I secure the pool area from toddlers?

Since plunge pools are more on the deeper side than long, securing your pool area from children and toddlers is essential. You can do this by adding some adequate fencing.


Plunge pools are literally the best addition one can make to their outdoor space. As we have covered almost everything you need to know about making a plunge pool in your home, we would like to add that plunge pools are equally as versatile as any regular huge-sized swimming pool. They also have other excellent benefits. For example, they can fit into a compact outdoor area, and since they are smaller in size, it naturally means that plunge pools are much cheaper to build than traditional swimming pools. They are also cost-effective for maintenance like heating, cleaning, and filtration. You may not see much of the savings initially, but these saved money add up to a noticeable amount after a few years.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


The summer season brings along a lot of fun in the sun. One of the most enjoyable summer activities that everyone loves to do is hanging around the pool, swimming, and partying with friends and family. However, it is a fact that the high fatality rate among young swimmers is due to swimming recklessly. If you own a swimming pool or a spa in your outdoor space, it is crucial to take all the necessary steps to keep everyone safe and secure around the pool., especially children and pets. This requires encouraging appropriate water behavior and installing safety devices inside the pool. All the safety strategies that you would implement in your swimming pool would ensure that all your family members and the children are safe and protected in the water.

How to make your pool safe?

First things first, let us begin with making your swimming pool a safe zone for everyone who uses it. There are a few steps to follow for making your swimming pool secure.

Build a fence around the pool.

Your pool is an oasis of relaxation, but it takes no time for it to turn into an absolute nightmare. Therefore, building a fence around your pool is a brilliant idea to keep your pool safe from unwanted guests, adding an extra layer of protection. Not only is a fence around your pool a good idea, but in some places, it is also required by the law for safety and protection. The pool fence would ensure that your pets and children do not wander unattended in the pool area, and you would be relaxed knowing that your loved ones cannot access the pool unless there is someone older to unlock the gate and get the children inside. Nit only safety, fencing your pool provides you with extra privacy as well. You do not want your neighbours to stare around when you are swimming with friends and family, do you?

Cover suction hazards and drains.

You already know that the pool water needs circulation through a filter system to remove debris and dirt. During this regular operation, the water flows into the filters through two drains located at the bottom of the swimming pool. These drains are located at the bottom because the entire pool surface would tilt towards them. Most of the pool debris and dirt gets out through the pool drains. Therefore to keep your family members safe from getting their limbs or hair into these drains, they must not be kept open at any time. These covers provide safety from suction hazards, and if missing, the pool should not be used unless the drain covers get replaced.

Clean the pool regularly.

Pool dirt is a ground for several bacteria and many other microorganisms spreading germs that can make you fall sick. Here are a few good habits that would help you maintain your swimming pool's cleanliness.

  • Always shower before getting into the pool to avoid taking dirt from the outside.
  • Do not swim in underwear or street clothes. Wear a proper swimsuit while going for a dip.
  • Wearing a swim-specific diaper is essential to avoid any mishaps.
  • It is not recommended to go for a swim if you have been suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting for the past 48 hours.
  • It is not practical to get into the water with an open wound or a sore.
  • Food and drinks near the pool area should be prohibited since there are chances of spilling inside the water, making grounds for bacteria and pests.
  • Do not use glassware near the pool area. If it breaks, you would have to drain the entire pool water to clean the inside space.
  • Ensure that your pool circulation system is adequately maintained.

How to keep your younger ones safe near the swimming pool.


As an adult, you may feel that there are other essential things to do rather than supervising children near your pool area. However, this is not a good idea. Children and kids around the swimming pool should not be left unattended, even for a few moments. Building a fence around your pool is something we have already discussed above, how it helps you protect your children from going near the pool without an adult. Additionally, you should take the following few pool safety measures if you have children living in your house.

Set pool safety rules and communicate them to your children.

Creating a list of rules and regulations to abide by near the pool area for children is a great idea. Post them in bold, in a place where they are clearly readable. Some of these rules include:

  • No roughhousing or running near the pool's deck.
  • Absolutely no use of electronic appliances near water.
  • No going near the swimming pool without an adult.
  • Bringing toys is not allowed near the pool.
  • No holding or dunking anyone inside the water.
  • Avoid diving in the pool's shallow parts.

Speaking of diving, this is the most common reason for injuries, leading to fatal accidents. It would be better to entirely get rid of the diving board, where there are kids around the house.

Teach your kids how to swim.

Teaching your children how to swim is the best way to make them learn about the pool's safety and protection. It would not make your children accident-proof, but they will be careful inside the water if they know how important pool safety is.

Keep the first-aid box and other rescue equipment ready at all times.

Despite putting our level best efforts, accidents still might happen, most likely to occur with many kids around. Therefore, it is essential to keep your first-aid kit ready at the nearest reachable point to the pool if any child gets hurt. You should also have other rescue types of equipment like rescue tubes, life rings, life vests, life hooks, etc. It will also be a great idea if you learn how to perform basic CPR so that you do not have to wait for the medical professionals to arrive if any child is in need.

How to stay safe while swimming?

img Here are a few safety tips that every one of us must follow when swimming in a public or own swimming pool.

Read the signs.

Do not ignore any caution signs or boards near the public pool area. They have been set up to protect you from accidents and keep the water germ-free and clean. Furthermore, if you are a pool owner, make sure you set some safety signs on your pool deck.

Do not run. Walk instead.

Never run or encourage running on the pool deck as the area is slippery, and the risk of fatal injuries is exceptionally high, especially when water is spilled on the deck.

Get in and out of the pool carefully.

To get inside or outside the water, you should use the handrail to avoid the chances of falling or slipping. Unless you are dry after getting out of the swimming pool, avoid climbing or running on slippery surfaces.

Take a look around before diving in.

Look carefully inside the water before diving in, as there are chances of hurting yourself if you dive in shallow areas or hitting some underwater decorative elements like logs or rocks in public pools. Look around if there is a no-diving sign.

Stay with what you are capable of doing.

Only swim in the areas you are familiar with in a public swimming pool when dipping inside the water. Also, do not go deeper than you can handle in your own house pool.

Avoid drinking alcohol before going for a swim.

Pool injuries due to drinking alcohol are common water issues. Not only regular swimming pools but hot tubs, spas, and other water bodies also put you at significant risk if you go inside being drunk. Alcohol slows down your reaction time, thus making water accidents worse. Specifically, it is hazardous to drink in a hot tub before going inside, as alcohol makes you sleep, and you would not know when the temperature rises.

Watch for underwater pool equipment.

It is not good to play near underwater pool equipment such as drains or skimmers. The water is constantly circulating in the pool through a filter system used to pull the pool water out into pipes through a pool drain. Therefore, playing around near such equipment means that your hair, fingers, arms, legs, torsos, and toes can easily be caught into these suctions. Drains with a more potent suction may even hold you inside the water, resulting in drowning. If your hair is long, make sure that you wear a bathing cap or tie your hair in a bun to avoid getting caught in the drain.

Protect your skin.

When going out in the sun for a dip in the pool, wear an adequate amount of sunscreen and encourage your children as well. The sunscreen should be SPF 15. It is recommended to wear sunscreen because the pool water's chlorine can easily cause sunburns. Also, wear fully covered swimsuits to avoid tanning your skin due to direct sun exposure.


If you have a swimming pool or a spa at home, it is pretty evident that you would love to spend your time swimming and enjoying yourself under the sun. However, it is crucial that you are aware and prepared for the risks and dangers of swimming and the pool itself. Following all or as, many of the above-mentioned pool safety tips would not only ensure complete protection of you and your family members near the pool but also make your experience a greater one every time you decide to get inside the water. Have a happy summer!

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


When we think of the arriving summer season, we might picture ourselves and our families lounging around or splashing in a swimming pool, having the time of our lives. Having a swimming pool in your house adds value to your property. It is basically an asset to your rental property. According to research, adding a swimming pool roughly increases the value of a property from 5 to 9 percent. Pools are the most lavish amenities to attract more and more tenants, especially in the Summer season, when people are looking for options for a short staycation with their family and friends. Therefore, a swimming pool would help you rent out your home faster than homes without it and generate more income, of course.

Is it a good decision to rent out your pool?

You are most probably familiar with people renting out their homes or tiny portions thereof. You may also know that people rent out their lawns and gardens for small events. Since the pandemic and many facilities being shut down, renting out swimming pools has also become a tradition. Though now, when most of the places are open, people still prefer to rent out home pools because of the convenience that comes along with it. At first glance, it is a win-win situation. You collect all the hefty income while not using your pool yourself, and you give a chance of a private swimming experience to the people who do not own a swimming pool. So, the answer is, of course, yes!

Things to know before renting out your swimming pool.

Renting your pool or your home with a swimming pool comes with some extra steps to take for property owners. Here are a few main things you should know before renting your property.

Homes with swimming pools bring risks.

If you own a property, you are solely responsible for keeping it in great shape and safe. Owning swimming pools at home adds one layer extra of risk and responsibility to your property. Therefore, there are a few things to consider before renting out your pool: health hazards, drowning, injuries, and other accidents that might happen while swimming. Safe and appropriate pool upkeep is essential to avoid these mishaps and prevent your tenants from getting into any such accidents. For example, you should regularly get your pool water tested for chlorine because excessive chlorine in the water may cause skin, lungs, and eye irritation. Less chlorine in the water gives algae and other microorganisms a great ground to grow!

You could be accountable for mishappenings.

Accidents happen. But, as a property owner, tenants would expect you to do all you can to make your swimming pool area as safe and secure as possible., or you could be simply held accountable. Here are a few ways that can be used for protection.

  • Install pool safety features to prevent injuries.
  • Understand the local and state laws to make your pool a safe zone. Talk to a professional to ensure you have all the information regarding your pool's safety.
  • Have a signed pool waiver by your tenants.
  • Be regular in your pool maintenance, even if it is not in use.
  • Address your tenants' concerns in real-time, and take necessary measures.
  • Hand out pool safety pamphlets to your tenants when they move in.
  • Ensure that your insurance covers your swimming pool as well.

Install a pool barrier.


Many communities and states require fences around the pools or installing barriers to prevent accidental drowning. The fence around your swimming pool should be at least 4 feet tall. Consider installing barriers around all sides of the pool to make it a safe zone. This would help toddlers and underage children at bay from entering the pool area without supervision.

What about other pool safety measures?

Along with installing pool barriers, adding a pool cover as a safety precaution is also recommended. Pool covers that retract automatically or have latches provide better safety for pets and toddlers. You can also emphasise pool safety by putting up different caution boards with messages like "children must enter with adults at all times" or "no diving," etc. You should also keep an emergency safety kit prepared, including a first-aid box, life rings, and rescue tubes.

Regular maintenance and pool upkeep are necessary.

img Swimming pools require regular maintenance even if they are not in use. However, maintaining a pool is time-taking and costly. However, frequent pool upkeep includes:

  • Skim your pool regularly to prevent debris accumulation.
  • Vacuum the pool to keep the water squeaky clean.
  • Check the chlorine levels regularly. Your pool should neither be over-chlorinated nor under-chlorinated.
  • Also, clean the pool filters.
  • Do your pool inspection frequently to make sure it is safe and in good shape.
  • Clean the pool surrounding to make it look immaculate.

Your property's lease agreement should mention who would be doing the swimming pool maintenance. If you decide to do the task yourself or hire a professional, it may be costly. However, the best option is to have your tenants do the pool maintenance. But, you need to be careful as most tenants are not regular with the pool's upkeep.

Floats and other pool toys.

img If there is no barrier or fence installed by your swimming pool, offering pool toys and floats could be an alternative way to increase safety measures for your guests. For example, if someone from your tenants does not know how to swim, they can always take a little help with the floats, tubes, and pool toys to enjoy the water. However, along with leisure comes great responsibility. Ensure you provide your non-swimmer tenants with life-saving vests and other safety kits.

Cover pool expenses by charging rent accordingly.

Renting your property that has a swimming pool gives you a competitive edge. Your home will gather more tenants than other homes without a pool in your area. As you attract more tenants because of this extra amenity in your property, people would also be ready to pay more rent to experience the luxury of a private swimming pool. This way, you can likely charge more rent for your property than others. Since you are aware that pool maintenance is quite costly, make sure that the rent you demand from your tenants should cover the expenses for maintaining your swimming pool.

Building a pool is costly but a good investment.

Although swimming pools add significant value to a property, they are pretty expensive to build and maintain. Building around an inground swimming pool in your house may cost somewhere between $65,000 to $67,000 and even more for a custom pool. Furthermore, the yearly pool maintenance can cost $400 and additional repairs expenses. The cist keeps on adding features like barriers, fences, safety elements, pool covers, and other luxury features like a spa or a jacuzzi. However, building a pool is a one-time investment that can be fruitful for years, as long as you keep your pool running and maintained. Therefore, when you decide to rent out your property, make sure that you keep in mind all your expenses when charging rent from your tenants.

Does your insurance cover your swimming pool?

Rental property owners must have landlord insurance, covering their rental property and liability protection. This insurance would cover your home and all your property's extra features, such as swimming pools. The insurance also includes coverage for your personal property that you use to rent out, medical bills, and all legal expenses in case of accidents or injuries and if you are found accountable. You need at least one million dollars extra liability insurance for a property with a swimming pool. However, the insurance coverage depends on what location you have your property on, what type of pool you own, and all its safety precautions. Contact a professional insurance agent to understand the kind of coverage you require.

Include a lease addendum.

Including a lease addendum to your rental agreement is vital for your and your tenants' protection. This pool addendum should be clear and crisp, listing all the necessary information about the rules and risks related to the pool. Following are a few provisions that you can add to your pool addendum:

  • Using the swimming pool is the tenant's own choice and responsibility. The owner should not be held accountable for the accidents incurred by the people living on rent.
  • Tenants should keep up with the regular pool maintenance, while the owner would look after other maintenance. Decide who will handle what prior to the agreement.
  • Add details about who would be paying if any damage occurred to the pool.
  • Include clauses for animals.
  • Add your contact details for the tenants to contact you immediately in case of any concerns regarding the repairs or safety measures.
  • Add a clause that tenants would use the pool in compliance with the instruction pamphlets provided.
  • Include information about what happens if the tenants do not abide by the rules and regulations.

To add other necessary clauses, consult with a professional attorney to help you add provisions to your addendum according to your property and make sure that it abides by the local laws. Ensure that your tenants carefully read and sign the lease papers and the addendum - keep a copy for yourself too.

The bottom line.

As a rental property owner, renting out your swimming pool or the whole house with a pool is a great way to generate some revenue and extra income that you had spent at the time of building your water body. Just be sure that you are fully prepared in terms of insurance for renting your pool out, and you have taken all the necessary steps to make your pool a safe zone for your tenants who would use it to chill around this summer! Above all, understanding your responsibilities of renting out your home with a swimming pool is the key to managing your property successfully.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz

There are hundreds of fantastic swimming pools all over the world. Then there come those swimming pools that take themselves to a whole new level. Often located in ideal locations, these pools are visually stunning and are one of those dreamy swimming pools that you have seen so many times while scrolling through Instagram and added to your wishlist.

So what is all the wait for? In this blog (starting from number ten to one), we have made a list of the top ten most beautiful swimming pools around the globe and why you should visit them. However, to get to swim in one of the ten mentioned pools, you may need to immerse yourself in an indulgent luxury at an elite resort where these stunning pools are located. Does it sound bad? Not at all! Therefore, choosing one out of these ten pools to go for a swim is definitely not easy as all of them are equally incredible and top-notch! Have a look.

One & Only Reethi Rah, Maldives.


The serene swimming pool in the resort, One & Only Reethi Rah in the Maldives, is a stunning architectural marvel. This pool just appears running into the Indian Ocean, reaching the horizon seamlessly in a neverending stretch of blue. The design of the swimming pool is minimalistic yet sophisticated and super sleek. After you take a swim in the pool, you can lay in the stone bed or step into the warm pool jacuzzi to feel like you are in the world's most beautiful zen garden, where water is the main characteristic! However, this 100- foot long, serene pool is allowed to be used by adults only, so you do not have noisy kids running here and there, disturbing the tranquillity.

Why visit?

The sleek pool in the One & Only Reethi Rah Resort is one of a kind and the most relaxing pool in the world to dive in. The place is worth visiting as you submerge yourself in the waters of your own private villa, surrounded by white sand and beautiful palm trees.

The Hotel Joule, Dallas, United States Of America


In the Joule hotel, the infinity rooftop pool is on the travel wishlist of almost everyone due to its unique design. To experience the luxury pool, you have to book a room at the hotel, constructed in 1927, as it is reserved only for guests. While the swimming pool is exceptionally modern, the hotel itself has a beautiful history. It was previously Dallas National Bank's building that consists of stunning artwork as well. The swimming pool is no less than a miracle construction, extending out of the hotel's tenth floor. The total length of the pool is 8 feet, reaching out to the main street of Dallas, with a glass wall at the end. The views are spine-tingling because of the height and the architecture, good enough to bring a rush of acrophobia in the visitors!

Why Visit?

You should visit the Joule hotel's pool because it is one of the most famous places in the world that are boast-worthy. Do not forget to keep a waterproof camera with you to click stunning photos for your Instagram while being inside the pool!

The Cambrian Hotel, Switzerland


How can it happen that the most beautiful country in the world does not have the most beautiful swimming pool? Brace yourself, as we will tell you about the infinity pool in the Cambrian Hotel, Adelboden. A swimming pool with stunning views of the Swiss Alps, covered with snow!

The pool stretches from the hotel building to the ground, with the view of mountains all around! Do not worry if it is snowing and freezing cold because the pool's water is heated to a moderate temperature of 32 degrees, making it perfectly warm and soothing.

Why Visit?

One reason to visit the Cambrian Hotel is that it offers the most picturesque views than any other place in the world. It would be a lifetime experience to swim in the warm waters, with freezing weather outside!

The Sarojin, Khao Lak, Thailand


The Sarojin resort in Thailand offers its beautiful pool to its guests with stunning turquoise waters and a tropical jungle. The pool is eighty by eighty feet long, with three floating pavilions to lounge in and a jacuzzi if you need some luxury water therapy. It becomes even more gorgeous after the sunset when the pool gets lightened up with multi-colored spotlights. Sounds beautiful, isn't it?

Why Visit?

Spend your vacations in style like the rich and famous in The Sarojin's swimming pool. The tranquil pool, located in an ideal tropical location, would make you feel like a star straight out of a Hollywood movie and a great source to bless your Instagram feed!

Grace Santorini, Greece


This is the pool with such a view that it might leave you speechless. The vast infinity swimming pool at the Grace Hotel, Greece, is one of a kind. Situated on a cliff-top, the pool's water blends seamlessly into the beautiful blues of the Aegean Sea. To experience the fiery hues of the water, it is best to take a dip in the pool at the time of sunset.

Why Visit?

If you visit Greece, no place will offer you the sunset view as best as the Grace Hotel's swimming pool. Not only during the day, but the pool looks fantastic at night as it illuminates with the underwater lights that are simply heart-throbbing.

Jade Mountain, St. Lucia


If you want a swimming pool all for yourself, then Jade Mountain in St. Lucia is the place. Here you can choose any accommodation you like and enjoy the waters all by yourself, as each of the sanctuary-styled apartments has its own infinity pool. How cool is that? These separate pools finally fuse into a single colossal sanctuary pool, falling in the Caribbean Sea.

Why Visit?

Nobody offers more privacy than the infinity pools at Jade Mountains. The private swimming pool is a perfect spot for being intimate with your partner, with no one to disturb you!

Alpine Panorama Hotel Hubertus, Italy


The Sky pool located at the Hotel Hubertus in Italy is simply a dream pool perfection. With most swimming pools creating an illusion to submerge in the sea, this pool located in Italy does exactly what its name suggests. It immerses with the sky! Yes, you heard that right. The pool is eighty-two feet long, a mammoth, suspended on stilts, above the ground by forty feet. The panel and end wall are glass-based, giving you a perfect illusion of flying!

Why Visit?

The Sky Pool itself is a big reason to extend your visit to South Tyrol, in Italy, as you will experience the most thrilling swim in the world. The views of pine tree mountains from the pool are even more stunning to make your trip a bit more special.

Ubud Hanging Gardens, Bali, Indonesia


It keeps on getting better as we move forward towards number one in the ten most beautiful pools in the world. The Ubud Hanging Gardens, located in Bali, offers two infinity pools. It is a perfect, Instagram-worthy infinity pool, with captivating views of tree canopies on your eye level and another infinity pool when you look down. In the lower pool, you can chill around by lying on the island, or relaxing on the semi-submerged beach seats, while listening to the water falling from the swimming pool located above.

Why Visit?

If you love travelling and taking aesthetic pictures, then Ubud Hanging Gardens have to be there on your bucket list. Honestly, it is the most picturesque swimming pool around the globe, with a stunning view of canopies and another pool, giving you an ideal tropical vibe.

San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo, Chile


It would not be wrong to say that this is the world's longest swimming pool. Constructed on a whopping three thousand and three hundred feet long area, this pool covers a surface of almost twenty-one acres. The best thing about this pool feature is that it will give you the illusion of stepping into the ocean if you stand on the edge of this massive swimming pool. The area's weather does not affect the pool's popularity, as the waters are controlled at 26 degrees Celsius all year long, making it comfortable enough to swim peacefully in freezing weather.

Why Visit?

This pool is an excellent place to enjoy all kinds of water sports. There are so many water activities to do in this enormous swimming pool, still leaving it uncrowded. These water activities include snorkelling, scuba diving, boating, or kayaking.

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore


Talk about swimming pools and Marina Bay does not top the list? It is impossible! The rooftop swimming pool located in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, is one of the most elite pools in the whole world. This pool features an artificial river-like appearance, palm trees, a pool balcony, and two fifty-seven stories up from the ground floor! How unique is that? To enjoy a swim at this swimming pool, you need to reserve a booking in the Marina Bay Hotel as a guest. The pool is only accessible to those who have a room key card. This pool tops the list of the top ten most beautiful swimming pools of the world because the pool has to offer stunning views of Singapore city from a very tall height.

Why Visit?

If you want to post some stunning photos in Singapore, Marina Bay is the place! The swimming pool here is the most gigantic infinity pool in the world, which offers a gorgeous view and is an architectural marvel!

The Last Dip

All of the swimming pools mentioned above have one thing in common: enough water for everyone to immerse themselves inside. Every swimming pool in our list differs uniquely in how they present themselves and the emotions they awake in their visitors. Enjoy your swim!

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


If you have been waiting for the perfect time to arrange a party this year, there is no better opportunity than your birthday. Why do only kids get to enjoy birthday parties? If you think that you are too old for throwing a birthday bash that includes goody bags and games, then a poolside birthday party may be a perfect idea. As long as the water is involved, your friends would also love to act like children and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Throwing a poolside party is one of the best ways to celebrate your birthday because it is a cost-effective yet fantastic way of entertaining your guests for hours. However, you need to be very careful with the safety precautions when water is involved.

Before you host a fabulous birthday party at the poolside, you need to make sure that your guests enjoy as much as possible, leaving you behind with zero complaints and tons of appreciation. Therefore, picking a perfect swimming venue is as important as choosing a perfect swimsuit. Let us dive into some valuable pointers on choosing the right pool for your next birthday party before you start sending invitations.

Choosing that one perfect pool.

You are lucky if you have a swimming pool in your backyard. It saves you from all the hassle you have to go through to find the perfect venue you have been looking for. But if you do not have an in-house pool, you can still throw a poolside birthday bash. Many hotels and public pools are available for party renting. Contact a few in your area and look for the best option in terms of pricing, quality, safety, etc.

If you rent a pool for your next birthday party, look for the following essential tips to choose just the right one!

Safety first!

First things first, the pool's safety and previous records should be your top priority before you finalise one. Swimming pools can serve as excellent features if they are correctly maintained for any occasion. Therefore, before you choose your perfect swimming pool, make sure that the pool should be able to demonstrate its licence, previous records, maintenance and cleanliness schedules, etc. Avoid those pool venues that fail to provide you with the pool's health history or if you notice any lack of care. However, if the maintenance carelessness involves chemical generation, it is okay. But any pool with a dubious reputation should not be considered. You want your birthday bash to be having fun, not fearing safety.

Choose a food-friendly poolside.


Many public pools have a strict rule of not bringing any outside food into the venue. But you are throwing a birthday party, and it will continue for hours. Hence, you do not want your guests to leave tired and hungry. In this case, looking for a pool area that allows serving snacks and drinks is what we suggest you do. Ask the authorities about catering and what food and drink would be allowed on the premises. In some pools, food and beverages are not permitted inside the water, but that is fine if they let them outside. Therefore, when you send out your birthday invites, mention clearly all the eating and drinking rules of the selected poolside venue.

It is totally normal to stay dry at a poolside birthday party!


When throwing a poolside birthday bash, you need to remember that not everyone prefers to go inside the water and swim. Therefore, accept that there will be such guests too at your party. While choosing the perfect pool for the occasion, do not forget to check the space if it offers a space for non-swimmers to relax, have fun and mingle while keeping the water at bay. An ideal choice would be a pool that provides ample shade for your non-swimmer guests to stay cosy and comfortable. You should also consider a place with TV screens, music facilities, games, and food. While a swimming pool may be the spotlight of your birthday party, pick a venue that makes all of your guests feel important and welcomed.

Pick the right luxuries.


Swimming in a pool as an adult is far from swimming as a kid. Hence, your guests would genuinely appreciate your party if they had amenities like safe storage lockers, quality showers, and comfortable seating arrangements. Check pool venues that have recently upgraded themselves or those that market a few extra luxuries. However, all these facilities do not guarantee a satisfactory experience, but they convey that they are doing hard work to stay on top of the line. You can also request your chosen pool to provide you with extra perks like towels, shades, sunscreens, hats, slippers, and even swimsuits. This will not only save you valuable time but also cost you less money than buying all these things by yourself.

Get control of the pests.

This is something that slips from almost every party planner's mind while planning out an event at the poolside. But if you overlook this essential tip, bad things can happen at your party, and you surely do not want that! We suggest you inquire about the pest control facility from the pool vendors and understand what measures they are taking to keep pests away from the water space. Of course, you do not want to see your guests and your food getting harassed by flies and other insects, taking the whole area by a swarm. If there is no pest control facility available in your area, you can also look for indoor pool services options. Even indoor pool birthday parties can be great fun and have their perks.

Decoration and favours.


Pool parties, especially birthdays, should be festive and full of colours. That includes an approved decor by your chosen pool venue. There would be some pools that would not offer you a very creative set. Hence, check for areas that provide decoration services as per your choice. Ask the authorities if you can decorate the poolside however you want. While streamers and balloons are basic decoration materials, ask your vendor if you can add a few more decor pieces like scented candles, torches, or fairy lights for your birthday event. How you customise your party entirely depends on what facilities the pool policies offer. If you can personalise the decor, nothing would be better than that! Check for the pool venues that include event goodies in their offered package. This option would work in your favour as it can save you from spending a lot of money and time by buying everything separately and spending hours to put them inside the goodie bags one by one.

Pool Games.

Who said games are only for kids? Although a swimming pool is an excellent source of entertaining your guests for hours, keep the pools that offer fun games and activities as your top priority. While surveying different swimming pool options, check for the ones that provide two or three games to play inside the water, just in case the party gets a little monotonous, or if there were kids around, they would not feel left out.

Friendly services.

It is convenient to understand that poolside parties are mostly DIY events. But in reality, take as much help as you want to arrange a memorable birthday party at the pool. Call your friends over to your place to help you with the decorations and the food if you have an in-house swimming pool. You can even do live cooking sessions like a barbecue by the pool. Imagine how much fun it will be cooking, swimming, and celebrating your birthday altogether. However, if you rent out private or hotel pools, go for those who offer the same friendly services to their tenants as they treat their other guests. Public renting pools and resorts are commendable for providing top-of-the-world services to guests who rent their swimming pools for birthday parties and other events.

What will make your poolside birthday party a blast?


Since now you know what factors are to be considered for choosing a perfect pool for your birthday bash, we are going to enlist some quick essentials for you to host a fantastic poolside birthday party that would leave your guests in awe.

Invitations: Create festive invites for your birthday. Check for pools that provide invitation card services included in their birthday packages.

Floats: There is no pool party without having those huge pink flamingo tubes floating in the water. If you have it at home, take it along with you to your party. Otherwise, check with the pool venues if they can provide you with cute floating pool accessories.

Music: Having music at any party is a must. But for pool birthday parties, the music element goes double! You can look for pool venues providing music services to play some chill party songs to groove on.

Lounging: Remember, not everyone likes to swim. And some people do not prefer going even near the water. It will be a cherry on top if you find a pool that offers some cosy lounge chairs for non-swimmers.

Parting ways.

In conclusion, as convenient as it may seem, deciding the venue and the time of your poolside birthday party is easier said than done. It is just not about what suits you the best for you. You have to check on everybody's schedule before you decide the date for your party so that all your favourite people can make it to the party. Also, you need to consider other factors, such as the availability of the pool at your selected venue. It is entirely okay not to celebrate on the exact date of your birthday. You can still throw a party later and enjoy it the same way! We wish you all the best and a very happy birthday in advance!

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


We love our outdoor spaces and spend a lot making them look fabulous. According to a global survey, people spend almost half a billion dollars each year renovating their backyards, including buying expensive decks and patios, swimming pools, plantations, fountains, furniture, and many more.

But what if you are planning your backyard renovation but tight on your budget? What if your budget doesn't allow you to spend thousands or even a few hundred dollars on your backyard? Derived from research, it is a popular fact that while giving their house a makeover, people often run out of money when it comes to renovating their backyards.

Backyard renovation does not have to be costly to look luxurious. Therefore, if you do not want to break the banks for your backyard renovation, follow the renovation tips compiled in this article below.

Expand your patio or build a DIY deck

If you are low on the budget, the best way to renovate your yard is to expand what is already inside it. For example, extend your outdoor sitting space by adding more concrete to your already existing pad. This feature in your backyard would give an attractive appeal to your house in real-time. You can also build a wooden deck and adorn it with colorful ottoman stools. However, there is no need to rip off everything and start building from scratch.


Editor's pick.

If you need something that can jazz up the look of your deck or patio, consider adding a large colorful outdoor rug. Not only is it a way to add a pop of color to your outdoor space, but also it is a much cheaper alternative to changing the look of your patio instead of staining or painting.

Upgrade your outdoor kitchen

Though outdoor kitchens serve to be top entertainment spots, that does not mean that they need to be extravagant and huge. If your budget does not accommodate you to build a whole kitchen, there are many ways to make a small DIY cooking area. Just take your existing grill, build short walls of bricks or stones and build a barbecue frame. Voila! Your DIY built-in grill is ready!


Editor's pick.

If you need a small dining area to enjoy meals outdoors, a budget-friendly idea would be building your DIY dining table. You just need two or three barrels and a large wooden plank. Buy some basic wooden chairs, and you are good to go with a DIY dining table.

Use plants more and more

Nothing else would make the yard more attractive than adding lots of plants and flowers to it. Create levels in your backyard that will add a visual appeal to the space. This can be achieved by planting colorful blooms such as roses, tulips, orchids, etc. You can also create sculptures by cascading different plants and pots of different sizes and shapes.


Editor's pick.

If you have a small outdoor space, go for a vertical garden instead of expanding your landscape. You can make a DIY vertical planter by drilling planter boxes onto a wooden pallet and placing it wherever you like. Do not be afraid of using color. Add lots of flowers for a vibrant touch.

Cover that patchy grass

Laying sod is the best method to renovate your lawn area. However, it will cost you a lot. It is not a problem if you do not have the budget to get the sod laying method! You can always look for some alternatives. For example, scratch the patchy area and oversee it. To do so, you need a rake for cultivation, grass seed for overseeding, and fertilizer and water for not letting the ground dry.


Editor's pick.

Another quick way to cover patchy grass areas is to create stone paths and connect different parts of your backyard space. Not only will it save you money, but also it will save the time that you need to spend scratching the patchy area before overseeding.

Left with some old wood? Reuse it.

If your backyard renovations ask to tear out old wood planks, just do it. Old wood can give you so many budget-friendly ways to be creative and build just anything that adds value to your outdoor space. For example, making a trellis out of old wood is a brilliant idea. All you need is sleek and long wood planks and climbing plants for decoration.


Editor's pick.

Another great way of reusing the leftover or old wood is to create benches. If you have trees in your backyard, you can utilize them by building a tree bench out of wood. You need wooden pallets and protective eye gear while crafting the bench. Paint it with any color you like, with chalk paint.

Look for privacy options.

If you live in a house where the backyard offers minimal privacy, then create some on a budget using plants. Buy some established plants or bushes in a five-gallon container and fence it around the backyard to add a privacy element to your outdoor space. However, growing plants in the ground is a much more expensive option. Hence you should go for ceramic planters to create a false wall around the backyard.


Editor's pick.

We would like to mention using old wooden planks again over here. Building fences out of old wood is the best way to add privacy to your outdoor spaces in a cost-effective manner. Do not worry if your wooden planks have holes in them. We have got your back! Drill multi-colored marbles into the holes on the wood. Your fence would light up beautifully when the sun hits perfectly!

Build patios with decomposed granite.

Use decomposed granite if you do not have a patio in the backyard but desperately want one. It is a type of finely crushed rock and is very budget-friendly. To build a DIY patio, you need to dig some grass from the selected area for the deck and get some heavy wooden boards. Then just fill it with the granite and wait until it settles down firmly. Keep on adding layers until the desired thickness. Congratulations, your hardscaping is done, costing you as low as $1 per square foot.


Editor's pick.

You can build just anything with decomposed granite! Our favorite out of so many ideas is creating a small space for an outdoor theater. You do not need to make a massive deck for that. A movie space for two or three people would just work fine. Get a projector, a screen, some cushions, and your favorite food to get your own little DIY movie theater!

Spend some time caring for your lawn.

Once you have covered the patchy areas by overseeding, you need to care extra for your lawn. The spring season is the best season to plan out the planting, fertilizing, and getting rid of germinating weeds. People get to spend most of their time in their backyards in warmer weather. As Summer arrives after Spring, this way, you would have a lush green lawn for yourself and your family for the whole summer season.


Editor's pick.

If you want to save up on your water bills, we have an idea for you. Reduce the use of water by xeriscaping your green space. This is a cost-effective landscaping idea and is easy to do, simple to maintain, and saves up on water. It also looks lovely and adds value to your property.

Set the mood with some fairy lights.

Lighting up your backyard would make your daylight-used space transform into an evening gathering spot as well. Adding lights to your backyard would give it a perfect ambiance and a magic element, making your space feel more attractive and welcoming. For this reason, you can buy some tiny string lights with different colors and light bulbs that are available at highly cheap rates almost everywhere. Hang these lights around the patio, your dining table, in the outdoor theater, and even to the trellis if you have any, basically, just anywhere you like.


Editor's pick.

A backyard with soothing light is always trending on the top of the list. Hence, consider using solar-powered lights to light up your plants, stoned paths, and anywhere you like to bring the spotlight on. There is no need to make the whole backyard bright with too much lightning as it is old-fashioned now. If your backyard has trees, a great way to light them up is to use moonlights or downlights to give a soft tracery look. You can also line your patio with artificial candles and lanterns for soft lighting. We recommend using solar-powered lights because they are much cheaper than regular lights and would save you up on your electricity bill.

A water feature is a must!

We have your back if you want to add a water feature to your backyard, even if you cannot afford a pool. Adding a small water body to your outdoor space is a cost-effective and simple way to add some beauty and zest to the area. For this reason, you can choose a small fountain or a hummingbird water hole for as low as $60.


Editor's pick.

Here is an excellent idea for you to add your DIY water feature to your backyard. Simply add a fountain commonly known as a watering can. This would serve as a fantastic element to add an attractive water body to your outdoor space. Tuck the water can in your garden or use it as a decor item by placing it beside your table or the deck with lanterns and lamps.

Summing it up.

When you follow all the tips and tricks mentioned above to renovate your backyard and turn it into a gorgeous space to relax, chances are you will have a lot more time outside in the backyard than inside your home. This way, you can transform your backyard into your oasis, that too without breaking the banks. These affordable solutions will save you a good amount of cash while making your outdoor space somewhere you really want to be, from getting creative with plantations to playing with colors and lights all over the area.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


Are you planning to throw an awesome pool party this Valentine's Day? It's now time for action. Owning a swimming pool in your backyard space can be really useful for throwing special parties on special occasions like Valentine's Day. There is nothing better than partying and enjoying your time with your loved ones on such occasions. This Valentine's Day, throwing an in-house pool party would be cost-effective and more intimate, and private with no time limits. With the money you will save, you can buy a more expensive gift to surprise your special ones.

It is just a myth that only couples get to enjoy Valentine's Day events and parties. So, let us burst the bubble and tell you that this occasion is not just for couples, and you can always enjoy the day by throwing a party at your house inviting close friends and family. As we said earlier, having a spa or a pool gives you an advantage. So, make full use of it and use these Valentine's Day pool party ideas mentioned below to make this day memorable.

Ideas For Throwing Valentine's Day Pool Party.

Throwing an in-house pool party for any occasion requires proper planning and execution. Luckily, the pool itself does not need much preparation. Just run the filters and salt/chlorine generators, and you are good to go! Keep reading below for some valuable ideas for throwing a pool party this Valentine!

First things first.

As mentioned above, before we jump on to the ideas for a pool party, it is essential to say that you need to ensure that your pool itself is ready for the event. Clean your pool a day before by running the filters, pumps, salt generators, etc. Ensure that the water is immaculate, with no floating debris. You don't want your guests to feel pukish by the sight of dirty water, right?

Along with the swimming pool, you also need to check if everything else around it works fine. Check your pool area and clean it beforehand if required. You need to maintain cleanliness and be creative with your decorations simultaneously. Dirty spaces do not appeal to the guest, no matter how unique the decoration is.

Let us now move forward with the ideas that would help you throw a fantastic poolside party!

Decor And Theme Planning.


Choosing a suitable theme would help you create a perfect mood for your party. Theme parties are one of the most trending ideas for Valentine's day. Having a theme party means deciding the colour code, dress code, and other combinations. This would add vibrance and excitement to your pool party. For example, it is a Valentine's day pool party, so you ask your guest to wear reds, pinks, or whites to match the party mood.

Coming to the decoration of the pool area, you need to remember that The less is the new more. Try to keep the decor minimalistic but classic, with your pool being the centre of attraction. Lots of lights will work in your favour if it is an evening event. Hang a few fairy lights around the plants and the trees surrounding your swimming pool. Buy some red or white balloons and let them float in the pool water. This would give your pool a splash of colour. You can also decorate your furniture by sticking balloons on the chairs and around the fence with more lights. Avoid using too much paper decoration if you do not want to put effort into the after-party cleanup. Just try adding the theme colour to your pool area as much as possible, and you are good to go!



This is one of the most essential characteristics of throwing a party. Your guest would more likely forget the decor you did at your pool party, but they will not forget how the food was! Good or bad, this is on you. Focus on serving the right food according to the occasion and the location at which you are throwing a party. Since this is a pool party, preparing the food beforehand will be ideal. That way, you would not have to worry about attending to your guests and preparing the food simultaneously.

There are so many options regarding the food ideas for your pool party. It's a Valentine's Day event, so go for serving heart-shaped cakes, chocolates, cookies, and more desserts. You can also incorporate the decided theme in your food. For example, serve red candies, red or pink ice creams, strawberries, basically anything that has red or pink in it! Red wine would be an excellent idea for the drinks to spice things up. Also, it would go just perfectly with the theme of your party!


There is no such thing called a pool party where there is no music! Let your guests groove and feel the music while dancing and singing in the water, having the time of their lives! Selecting what music to play depends on your party's theme and what mood do you want to create in your event? If it is an all-friends party, then upbeat party songs would work the best in lifting your mood and energy on the dance floor. Similarly, if it is a couples' night, play some romantic numbers to create the real Valentine's Day magic between you and your partner.

However, it is not a hard-and-fast rule that you have to follow anyhow. Of course, you can play whatever music you like, jazz, classical, pop, hip hop, etc. Prepare the playlist beforehand on your iPad, adding as many sons as you want so you don't have to waste your party time searching for songs and keeping your guests waiting for the music to play!

Fun And Games.

Pool activities at parties add a fun element to the event. Of course, you do not want your guests or partner to get bored or fed up by throwing a basic come, eat and go Valentine's Day party. Plan some fun water games for your guests the day before. Just make sure that you stay in the safety circle and plan games that do not cause any physical harm to your partner or other guests. Including card games or board games is a good idea, while for planning drinking games, you need to be a little more responsible for that. For water games, prepare something that does not require a lot of movement. For example, throw-ball or volleyball is a game idea that can be played inside the pool.

A Valentine's Day party should be sober and cute. So you should keep an eye on your guest and make sure everyone stays safe. If there are children around, you need to let your guests know to be extra careful with the drinks and the pool as it gets slippery due to water splashing. If you are serving alcoholic beverages, please drink responsibly and ensure everyone else does the same.

Quick Tips For A Valentine's Day Pool Party For Two.


If you want to spend Valentine's day entirely with your partner and throw a surprise pool party cum date for them, we are going to list some really helpful tips to make your day romantic and one of a kind!


There is nothing more romantic than involving candlelight at a dinner date. The cherry on top? You have a pool! Add some lanterns around the swimming pool's border. You can also buy some tealight floating candles and make them flow on the pool's water. Trust us; your partner would love the setup!


To create a romantic mood, bring a lot of flowers to the table. Red and pink roses would work the best for this reason since roses are the signature flowers that represent Valentine's day globally. Spread the petals inside the pool and let them sail freely along with the candles. You can also decorate the dinner tables with other beautiful flowers like orchids and lavender. Along with a captivating sight, the whole poolside area would fill with a beautiful fragrance. Lovely, isn't it?

Cuddly Throws.

Do not forget to keep some heated towels and cosy bathrobes to wipe yourself up after you and your partner get done with swimming. Place cuddlesome throws or blankets on the sofa to create a relaxing space for cuddling with your partner after swimming.

Finger Food And Sparkling Wine.

It is so attractive to cook dinner for your partner on a date. However, you do not need to overdo this. Cooking simple basic dinners like finger fish, chicken strips, or mozzarella sticks will create a wholesome menu. Keeping a charcuterie board is a fantastic idea. Grab some fruits like strawberries and bananas, some cheese slices, gram crackers, some dark chocolate bars, and voila! Your charcuterie board is ready to serve! End your dinner date with some ice cream and sparkling rose gold champagne.

Wrapping Up.

Once you finish planning and preparations for your ultimate pool party, it is then your time to enjoy Valentine's Day with friends and the ones close to you. Remember, not everything that glitters is gold, so you do not need to be too extravagant with the decorations and other essentials. Keeping the party minimalistic yet attractive is the new trend of the year. The most important thing is to spend this special day with those who mean so much to you. Therefore, we send you lots of good wishes and luck to plan a perfect pool party for your friends this Valentine's Day! You will definitely rock the party by using the above ideas, making it a day to remember for your partner or your friends!

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


A backyard is just a perfect place to sit back and relax with your family and friends in warm summer months or cozy fall nights. No matter, whatever the season is, you would want your backyard to look neat and clean and full of colors! Basically a well-maintained backyard for the whole year.

When taking a walk around your neighborhood, have you ever noticed how some backyards look absolutely appealing and gorgeous no matter what the season is? Keeping a backyard looking best all year round can be time-consuming and requires a lot of hard work. Therefore, to make backyard maintenance an easy-breezy task for you, we are listing down a few helpful tips that will make your backyard as beautiful as ever, every month and in every season.

How to maintain your backyard all year long?

Whether you are doing it yourself or hiring a professional for your backyard maintenance, we suggest you should follow a season-wise schedule. Doing the right things at the right time is the ultimate secret sauce behind a healthy, beautiful yard that can be cherished for the whole year. So here are some tips for maintaining your backyard throughout the year.

The Winter Season (December-February)


Since it is the winter season during these months and the use of outdoor spaces is minimal, this is a perfect time to plan out your backyard space. It is the time to decide what you can do by yourself and for what things, hiring a professional is necessary. Here is what you can do for the winter season.

Soil check before Spring.

Testing your backyard soil is essential before Spring, also known as the growing season, kicks in! Testing the soil would inform you beforehand if there is any deficiency and how to fix it before you plant your fruits, vegetables, and flowers for the coming Spring.

Get rid of yard debris and leaves.

To prevent pest infestations on your plants, make sure that you remove yard debris from the backyard. Also, sweep the leaves away from your yard since it is the best ground for insects like slugs to breed and lay eggs.

Kill the weeds before sprouting.

The best time to get a jump on killing the weeds from your backyard is late winter. Before the weeds can spread like wildfire in your backyard, we suggest you spread some organic mulch on your lawn to prevent weed germination.

It is the right time for repair.

Since yards are not much used in winter, this is the best time to look for anything that needs repair in your backyard. Mend any broken trellises and the fences or list down those things that require a more extensive repair, for example, pool, patios, walls, etc.

The Spring Season. (March-May)


Now is the time to establish your bigger plans and projects for your backyard. For instance, if you plan to renovate your deck or patio for Summer, Spring is a perfect time. What else can you do to maintain your backyard this season? Have a look.

Irrigation testing.

While the ground is still soft because of the previous weather, go for an irrigation test to know about any issue beforehand. Poor drainage is the reason why backyards look bad. Therefore, if needed, improve your drainage to give your backyard its lush green sight back.

Time to plant.

This is the time to plant whatever you want in your backyard space. Spring is the season when it is still wet and cool. Therefore, before the hotter season arrives, get done with all the planting of fruits and flowers you like while the ground is soft.

Hardscape maintenance.

You can schedule a complete cleanup for your backyard in the Spring season. Look out for any hardscape repairs and do them right away. Get the wooden decks cleaned and polished, amend the cracks in paved spaces, fix any broken lights and clean the swimming pool before Summer arrives to save time and enjoy the warm weather without worrying about the repairs.

The Summer Season. (June-September)


As the warmer weather arrives, we would not recommend you work on bigger things for maintaining your backyard. You would be better able to enjoy the summer season if you had already prepared for it in Spring. Your hardscape cleaning has been done. Your pool has been cleaned and filtered. You did all the repairs that were required. What else is left then! Since this is the time for you to enjoy your outer space to the fullest, we have listed a few small things to do to maintain your backyard in the Summer.

Water your lawn.

You do not have to do this daily. But just make sure to keep your backyard lawn hydrated by giving not more than an inch of water weekly. You are lucky if it is raining, then you do not have to water the yard by yourself. The rain would do it for you. Look for any growing sprouts from the Spring. Take care of the plants that require more water.

Plan the maintenance schedule for the Fall.

Since we have suggested you not go heavy on working for your backyard maintenance in the Summer season, what you can do is just keep your renovation plans or add anything new to your yard for the Fall.

Plant Lavender.

Grow plants that do not need much water. This point will benefit you if you live in areas where rain is scarce in the Summer season. We have used lavender as an example here. Not only would lavender serve as a beautiful sight for your backyard, but it also is an excellent insect repellent that does not require much water.

The Fall Season (October-November)


Hands down, the fall season is the best of the four seasons to maintain your backyard. The weather is perfect for everything. Even if there is nothing to repair or fix, just sit back and relax in your yard or dive into the pool. However, a few things required to maintain your backyard in the Fall are as follows.

Your Fall projects.

Before the rainfall kicks in and the ground gets wet and muddy again, now is the time to get done with adding new features to your hardscape or renovating your patio, decks, walking tracks, and walls.

Finish with the planting.

Like Spring, the Fall season is also an excellent time to plant new trees and shrubs because the cool weather offers a significant growth climate, and there is enough time for the plants to strengthen their roots until Spring arrives.

Feed your yard.

Fall is a good time for feeding your backyard to strengthen the plant roots. Use a natural fertilizer for this purpose. We recommend a slow-release fertilizer as it does not get washed by the rain. You might also have to check for any spots that need refreshment, thus over-seed them to get rid of ugly patches.

Plant some colors.

Start planting your colorful spring flowers now! For a bounty of blossoms, you can grow plants like tulips, crocuses, daffodils, lavenders, sunflowers, and roses too. Add natural fertilizers to maintain healthy growth and water your plants until it rains or snows.

Do not leave that pile of leaves.

It is necessary to regularly rake all the fallen leaves and clean your backyard. If you leave the pile of leaves to float around in your backyard, not only will it be an ugly sight, but it will also serve as an excellent breeding ground for slugs to lay eggs. Remove all dead or old plants and tidy up the landscape by pruning all diseased or weak branches and plants. Doing this will make your backyard look fresher than ever and prevent the branches from falling in the winter season.

Shut the irrigation systems down for the coming winter season.

If you have a swimming pool or other water bodies installed in your backyard like waterfalls or spas, it is now time to shut them off temporarily before the freezing weather arrives. While you can completely shut down the waterfalls and spas, do not do the same for your swimming pool. You can keep its cleaning filters and pumps running, so the water inside keeps moving and does not get dirty. Otherwise, it would again be a difficult task, and you would have to start all over again when the Spring season hits.

Quick tips to save you from the hard work.


Suppose you are not much of a gardener or have a tight budget to hire any professional. In that case, you can go for simple alternative suggestions to maintain your backyards more conveniently. For example:

Use mulch beds: Using mulch beds instead of grass is a great option to reduce hard backyard work. Add natural fertilizer to the mulch bed to prevent weed growth. The best thing about mulch beds is that you do not need to water or mow them, and they just get replaced once a year. Put a cocoa bean mulch bed for a lovely brown sight and a great fragrance in the summer season.

Potted plants: Another way of reducing your yard work is to use potted plants instead of direct soil planting. This way, you can move your plants anywhere you want, unlike the plants that grow directly in the soil.

Collect rainwater: If you live in a rainy climate, save your water bill by simply collecting rainwater. You can put a water barrel for this reason that catches rainwater from the downspout so that you can use it to water your potted or other plants.


All in all, the key to maintaining your backyard all around the year is simply keeping up with the maintenance! If you are a DIYer or prefer hiring a professional for your backyard maintenance, doing it regularly is essential. Delaying and hanging the maintenance for later will only cost you more time and money. Therefore, a beautiful, thriving backyard requires year-round care! Goodluck.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


When it comes to arranging a party for your friends and family, all you think is about how creative you can get to make the day memorable for your guests and yourself. Having a swimming pool in your front or backyard is always advantageous, especially when throwing a party. There are so many pros of partying on the poolside. You should not waste even a second thinking about throwing a party at your pool area. It is your best decision, just get to work.

You do not have to worry about boring your guests because the words pool and boring are impossible to meet in the same sentence. It is always fun hanging around the poolside, having your favourite food and drinks, dancing and playing inside the water, basically having the time of your life! However, we understand that you might be completely new to throwing a party on your poolside. So, here we are to give you some really genuine reasons why hosting a poolside bash is a fantastic idea!

Why should you throw a party at the poolside?

There are three simple answers to this question. Poolside parties are fun. They are awesome. People love to hang out in the pool area. Because why not? There is a pool, swimming, splashing, diving involved while having your favourite food and people around! What else is needed?

Getting to a serious answer, we genuinely understand you being doubtful as a newbie to hosting a party around the poolside. Poolside parties are not as common as other traditional parties. However, we have listed a few reasons why you should remove all your doubts and go throw a rocking poolside party for your friends and family this summer season.

Have a look!

It is a special day!


The most special day out of all is your birthday or anyone's birthday whom you genuinely love. Do not think twice if you plan to throw a poolside party on your birthday! Just go for it. Your guests would absolutely love the birthday vibes around the pool with cakes and desserts to stuff in. You can also party on other holidays like Labour Day, Valentine's Day, Independence day, etc. You are just one excuse away from throwing a fantastic poolside party.

Do it for your friends' sake!


Why not grant a friend's wish? You are fortunate to have a pool all to yourself in your house, as many of your friends would think of you that way. If you do not want to do it for yourself, do it for your mates! We understand it is a little more hard work than other regular parties, but it will be totally worth it. Your friends are going to adore you for that!

It is healthy!


Getting on the serious part, poolside parties can prove an excellent help for your bodies and souls. For example, if you carefully work out your party plan, you can execute some actual swimming, water aerobics, or simply a yoga session with guests in the pool area. This way, you are doing both; a blast and a great workout, that too with your favourite people around. Do not forget to keep your food and drinks menu on a healthier side like fruit bowls, detox drinks, some healthy dessert options like banana oat muffins, frozen yoghurt, etc.

Take international holidays as a reason to celebrate!


Once you are into it, there is no way back! You can find any excuse for throwing a fabulous water bash calling your friends in! If you need holidays to celebrate, then go international! For example, throw a Halloween party! It is celebrated all over the world. More international festivals include Tanabata, a Japanese celebration, La Tomatina, a Spanish cultural festival, and more. This way, you will also get to create many different themes for your poolside party.

Let us take the La Tomatina festival in the spotlight. It is a food fight festival held on every last Wednesday of August each year in Buñol, Spain. It includes people cramming into a huge tomato fight, playing and smashing them onto each other. Of course, there are safety precautions! Take an idea from that, but remember to set some rules around the water and ensure your guests' safety.

It is all fun and games!


A pool party is a fantastic way to incorporate water games! Of course, you do not want your guests to get bored, eat and just leave. Give a fun element to your poolside by playing water games with your guests like water throwball, swimming races, passing the balls, and much more. We know that all these games are for children, but who wants to act like an adult in the swimming pool? These simple games would become tremendously fun activities once you start playing!

Think about the themes! img

As long as it comes within your budget, think about the beautiful themes you can incorporate at your poolside party. Go crazy with the decorations! Add many colours pops all over the place, including your swimming pool. Fill it with balloons and balls. Light up the whole area if it is a night event. Remember, an incredible decoration is all about providing just the right atmosphere to your guests. Think about all these fancy decors you can do at a poolside party, and it even would not look tacky. Your guests are just going to love the vibe you will create that will make them jump into the pool that has turned into a tropical paradise in no time!

You own it!


The last, but the most important reason! You own a pool, man! Why not make the most of it? Just flaunt your swimming pool and the fantastic things you can do with it at a party. People who do not have it are crazy about having poolside parties. Many of them rent it out and trust us! Renting a pool to have a party is something not everyone can afford. So use it as much as you can and enjoy it to the fullest!

Quick ideas on how you can do it!

Now that you have all the reasons to throw an awesome poolside party for your friends and family, we are listing some fantastic ideas to help you host a great party at the pool!

  • Be vibrant and creative with inviting your guests by sending fun invitation cards mentioning the menu and the party's theme.
  • Essentials to buy for decorating your pool area include vibrant balloons, colourful tableware, lanterns, fairy lights, streamers, giant pink flamingo inflatables, etc.
  • If you are hosting a party in the sun, make sure your party is stocked with refreshing drinks. To keep it simple, you can fill a cooler with some ice and drinks like bottled water and soda. Whatever you want to serve your guests, it is all up to you.
  • Maintain a good balance between serving healthy and junk food to your guests. In our opinion, finger foods work best for poolside parties.
  • What is a party without dance and music? Create an upbeat playlist for your guests to enjoy the party while grooving on their favourite beats!

Are there any cons of throwing a poolside party?

We are being really honest here. There are no significant drawbacks of throwing a party at the poolside until appropriately planned and safe. There is water, the sun, food, drinks, activities to do, floats, and most importantly, all your loved ones around! All of these things give you enough reasons to plan a pool party any time of the year and enjoy it to the fullest, whether you host a party or are invited to one.

However, people who do not like to spend much time under the sun have their own reasons. For such guests, you can always set up some shelter or a shady place where they can sit and relax while still being at your poolside party. Even if someone does not like swimming, they can still have a great time just being there, sitting back, and enjoying the food with friends.

So again, there are no such cons of a poolside party. Just do not forget to check the weather conditions before planning out one. You do not want the rainy or a windy day to spoil your poolside bash. You just need to be sure about the weather. Otherwise, pool parties are a blast.

Safety comes first.

There are also some safety measures that you should ensure when you invite your friends to a party at the poolside. For example:

  • Keep a generous quantity of drinks for hydration if the weather is hot.
  • Encourage everyone to apply sunscreen or other protection creams before dipping into the water or going out in the sun.
  • Grab some shelter at a few intervals, do not stay in the sun for too long.
  • Be careful in the water or even around the water to avoid slipping and hurting yourself and your guests.
  • Do not keep your food directly under the sun, as it may alter its taste and texture.

Parting Ways.

Did you know summers are the best season to simultaneously boost your health and happiness? Apart from eating better and being more active, the warm weather can, hands down, boost our immunity and improve our beauty sleep! With so many excellent advantages to reap, summer is also one of the best seasons to throw parties. And the cherry on top has a pool at your home! How cool is that? So what are you waiting for? Start planning an epic party now to have a great time with your loved ones while swimming, singing, and dancing and getting your dose of vitamin D altogether!