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Why throw a party at the poolside?

· 9 min read
Sana Naz


When it comes to arranging a party for your friends and family, all you think is about how creative you can get to make the day memorable for your guests and yourself. Having a swimming pool in your front or backyard is always advantageous, especially when throwing a party. There are so many pros of partying on the poolside. You should not waste even a second thinking about throwing a party at your pool area. It is your best decision, just get to work.

You do not have to worry about boring your guests because the words pool and boring are impossible to meet in the same sentence. It is always fun hanging around the poolside, having your favourite food and drinks, dancing and playing inside the water, basically having the time of your life! However, we understand that you might be completely new to throwing a party on your poolside. So, here we are to give you some really genuine reasons why hosting a poolside bash is a fantastic idea!

Why should you throw a party at the poolside?

There are three simple answers to this question. Poolside parties are fun. They are awesome. People love to hang out in the pool area. Because why not? There is a pool, swimming, splashing, diving involved while having your favourite food and people around! What else is needed?

Getting to a serious answer, we genuinely understand you being doubtful as a newbie to hosting a party around the poolside. Poolside parties are not as common as other traditional parties. However, we have listed a few reasons why you should remove all your doubts and go throw a rocking poolside party for your friends and family this summer season.

Have a look!

It is a special day!


The most special day out of all is your birthday or anyone's birthday whom you genuinely love. Do not think twice if you plan to throw a poolside party on your birthday! Just go for it. Your guests would absolutely love the birthday vibes around the pool with cakes and desserts to stuff in. You can also party on other holidays like Labour Day, Valentine's Day, Independence day, etc. You are just one excuse away from throwing a fantastic poolside party.

Do it for your friends' sake!


Why not grant a friend's wish? You are fortunate to have a pool all to yourself in your house, as many of your friends would think of you that way. If you do not want to do it for yourself, do it for your mates! We understand it is a little more hard work than other regular parties, but it will be totally worth it. Your friends are going to adore you for that!

It is healthy!


Getting on the serious part, poolside parties can prove an excellent help for your bodies and souls. For example, if you carefully work out your party plan, you can execute some actual swimming, water aerobics, or simply a yoga session with guests in the pool area. This way, you are doing both; a blast and a great workout, that too with your favourite people around. Do not forget to keep your food and drinks menu on a healthier side like fruit bowls, detox drinks, some healthy dessert options like banana oat muffins, frozen yoghurt, etc.

Take international holidays as a reason to celebrate!


Once you are into it, there is no way back! You can find any excuse for throwing a fabulous water bash calling your friends in! If you need holidays to celebrate, then go international! For example, throw a Halloween party! It is celebrated all over the world. More international festivals include Tanabata, a Japanese celebration, La Tomatina, a Spanish cultural festival, and more. This way, you will also get to create many different themes for your poolside party.

Let us take the La Tomatina festival in the spotlight. It is a food fight festival held on every last Wednesday of August each year in Buñol, Spain. It includes people cramming into a huge tomato fight, playing and smashing them onto each other. Of course, there are safety precautions! Take an idea from that, but remember to set some rules around the water and ensure your guests' safety.

It is all fun and games!


A pool party is a fantastic way to incorporate water games! Of course, you do not want your guests to get bored, eat and just leave. Give a fun element to your poolside by playing water games with your guests like water throwball, swimming races, passing the balls, and much more. We know that all these games are for children, but who wants to act like an adult in the swimming pool? These simple games would become tremendously fun activities once you start playing!

Think about the themes! img

As long as it comes within your budget, think about the beautiful themes you can incorporate at your poolside party. Go crazy with the decorations! Add many colours pops all over the place, including your swimming pool. Fill it with balloons and balls. Light up the whole area if it is a night event. Remember, an incredible decoration is all about providing just the right atmosphere to your guests. Think about all these fancy decors you can do at a poolside party, and it even would not look tacky. Your guests are just going to love the vibe you will create that will make them jump into the pool that has turned into a tropical paradise in no time!

You own it!


The last, but the most important reason! You own a pool, man! Why not make the most of it? Just flaunt your swimming pool and the fantastic things you can do with it at a party. People who do not have it are crazy about having poolside parties. Many of them rent it out and trust us! Renting a pool to have a party is something not everyone can afford. So use it as much as you can and enjoy it to the fullest!

Quick ideas on how you can do it!

Now that you have all the reasons to throw an awesome poolside party for your friends and family, we are listing some fantastic ideas to help you host a great party at the pool!

  • Be vibrant and creative with inviting your guests by sending fun invitation cards mentioning the menu and the party's theme.
  • Essentials to buy for decorating your pool area include vibrant balloons, colourful tableware, lanterns, fairy lights, streamers, giant pink flamingo inflatables, etc.
  • If you are hosting a party in the sun, make sure your party is stocked with refreshing drinks. To keep it simple, you can fill a cooler with some ice and drinks like bottled water and soda. Whatever you want to serve your guests, it is all up to you.
  • Maintain a good balance between serving healthy and junk food to your guests. In our opinion, finger foods work best for poolside parties.
  • What is a party without dance and music? Create an upbeat playlist for your guests to enjoy the party while grooving on their favourite beats!

Are there any cons of throwing a poolside party?

We are being really honest here. There are no significant drawbacks of throwing a party at the poolside until appropriately planned and safe. There is water, the sun, food, drinks, activities to do, floats, and most importantly, all your loved ones around! All of these things give you enough reasons to plan a pool party any time of the year and enjoy it to the fullest, whether you host a party or are invited to one.

However, people who do not like to spend much time under the sun have their own reasons. For such guests, you can always set up some shelter or a shady place where they can sit and relax while still being at your poolside party. Even if someone does not like swimming, they can still have a great time just being there, sitting back, and enjoying the food with friends.

So again, there are no such cons of a poolside party. Just do not forget to check the weather conditions before planning out one. You do not want the rainy or a windy day to spoil your poolside bash. You just need to be sure about the weather. Otherwise, pool parties are a blast.

Safety comes first.

There are also some safety measures that you should ensure when you invite your friends to a party at the poolside. For example:

  • Keep a generous quantity of drinks for hydration if the weather is hot.
  • Encourage everyone to apply sunscreen or other protection creams before dipping into the water or going out in the sun.
  • Grab some shelter at a few intervals, do not stay in the sun for too long.
  • Be careful in the water or even around the water to avoid slipping and hurting yourself and your guests.
  • Do not keep your food directly under the sun, as it may alter its taste and texture.

Parting Ways.

Did you know summers are the best season to simultaneously boost your health and happiness? Apart from eating better and being more active, the warm weather can, hands down, boost our immunity and improve our beauty sleep! With so many excellent advantages to reap, summer is also one of the best seasons to throw parties. And the cherry on top has a pool at your home! How cool is that? So what are you waiting for? Start planning an epic party now to have a great time with your loved ones while swimming, singing, and dancing and getting your dose of vitamin D altogether!