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· 9 min read
Sana Naz

Hosting a pool party soon? If yes, you must know how to make it one of the biggest hits of the year. There are various reasons why the pool parties are great. Nowadays, many pool owners, renting their pools out to outside guests, always seek ways to make the pool party totally fun. They include all amenities and essential items required to make a great pool party for their guests. After all, summer is the best time for one's staycation, happiness, and health. Besides making people more active and physically and mentally better, warm weather does improve sleep and enhance the immunity system. With several health benefits, you would surely want to host the best pool party for your loved ones and friends. Whether it is your pool or rental one, you can throw a great pool party to your guests by following the secret tips given in this article.

What makes the best pool party?

Having a pool party is so easy nowadays even if you do not have your pool. Just rent a nice pool available nearby your location, check features, make payment, and book it instantly. If you want to host a custom or themed pool party, surely there will be some planning involved.

Though the sole idea of planning might sound dull, even the process of pool party planning can be fun and usually is. Following is the step-by-step secret guide to hosting an amazing pool party this summer that will leave your guests enthralled until the next time.

1. Festive Invitations

Before you begin planning your pool party, take a moment to envision your ideal pool party. What should it look like? Which foods would you love to serve? Do you have any specific themes in mind?

If you want to plan a unique party, you must think of a luau theme. It is particularly popular for girls’ birthday parties and informal get-togethers for adults. If you like the idea of converting your backyard into a steamy paradise, then set your theme with some festive luau party invitations.

Once you get your party’s vision, it makes the pool party planning much easier. Whether the pool party is based on a theme or not, ensure that your party invitations are fun, vibrant, and striking. Do not miss the items that guests need to bring (like a towel, swimsuit, or swimming skincare kit) on the invitation.

2. Use Summer Decorations

Decorations are vital for setting the style and tone of any pool party. To make your pool party a relaxed, happy vibe, you should consider using many inviting colors. For instance, the Tiki torches are not just beautiful, but they also keep the pool party illuminated even if it’s darker in the evenings and late nights.

Summer inflatables can also be used to liven up your party atmosphere. Palm trees, flamingos, and beach balls are an ideal addition. Inflatables also make ideal photo props if your guests seek a perfect Instagram shot.

Other typical party decorations are streamers, lantern lights, balloons, and tableware. Feel free to be as creative as possible and use as many beautifications as you want. Just ensure they all give a perfect summer feel.

3. Stay Hydrated

If you and your guests are expected to spend a couple of hours in the sun, you should ensure that your pool party is well stocked with quality refreshing drinks. To keep things simple, fill a big cooler with popular drinks such as bottled water and soda, and some ice. If you are having an adult pool party, a better choice can be a beer cooler.

To uplift things, you can make your tiki bar serve different kinds of fancy drinks. These simple cocktail recipes will surely make your pool party a big hit. If you want to leave out the alcohol, these drinks can still taste great virgin.

If you think that your friends will spend most of the time in the pool, they might not want to go out to get refreshments. A floating bar is a smart detail that they would love.

4. Snacking

Nothing can beat the power of snacking at the parties, and a pool party is not an exemption. It is best to have a nice range of snacks at the pool party for your guests. Having a balance between healthy food and junk food like snacks is significant for satisfying your party guests. Too much salt may result in bloating, which is not good when they are wearing a bathing suit. However, since people would be sweating in the sun all day, salty treats can surely help refill electrolytes.

For such reasons, having an ideal balance of typical party foods such as chips and naturally healthy food like fruits and salad is ideal. If you want to be the best host, purchase a bunch of different kinds of fruits and make a delicious fruit salad. Many supermarkets provide pre-cut fruits, so if you want to save time, just toss the fruits together.

For salty foods, corn chips, potato chips, and pretzels are always loved. Dips like salsa, hummus, and guacamole are healthy and filling.

Once you have these basics, you can add other exciting extras you think your guests would enjoy. The more variety you have, the more fun your guests would be having.

5. Choose a Vibrant Menu

Most of the pool parties go on long enough to necessitate a meal. While this is good news since it means your friends are having a great time, it can be worrying trying to make a meal for a group of people.

Since pool parties are calm, do not worry about holding a sophisticated dinner party. Instead, fire up your grill and treat your guests to a barbecue. Not just are hamburgers and hot dogs easy and economical, but they are the guaranteed guest pleasers. Be sure to have some veggie burgers and dogs for vegetarian or vegan guests.

Another great way to serve a lot of food at a reasonable price is to buy from your local farmers’ market. There you can buy in bulk all types of fruits and vegetables to make some light and fresh appetizers like sandwiches and wraps.

6. Add Cute Pool Floats

No pool party can be completed without some picturesque pool floats. You and your guests will love reclining on classic ice cream, flamingo, pizza, or unicorn floats.

Want some more inspiration? Check out some trendy pool floats online to start shopping. You can also scroll through different pages on Instagram to see what your favorite influencers are posing with at the pool.

If any children will be at your pool party, ensure to have some arm floaties, pool noodles, or lifejackets, so everyone spends a good safe time.

7. Use Matching Accessories

Matching with your guests, especially best friends, can help you feel associated and give you even more splendid photo ops. When you are planning your pool party, there are many accessories you can select from.

Beach towels, coverups, flip-flops, and sunglasses are a few reasonable choices. If you want to go the extra mile, you can order customized beach towels or similar apparel for your pool party guests. This can also double as a caring party favor. Every time they use it, they will remember how remarkable your party was.

8. Set the party Mood with a Nice Party Playlist

Summertime is all about cooling yourself down in the water and having fun, so your party must have a playlist full of hits.

Streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora hold tons of curated pool party playlists. If you want to make your own, take some time to select your favorite songs.

If you do not want to pay a subscription to one of these streaming services, you can have a free trial before your pool party. This will keep the melodies playing nonstop so you will not have to listen to irritating advertisements every few minutes.

To play your favorite music loud enough, it is worth buying a high-quality speaker. These outside speakers are great for any budget, waterproof, and have many handy features such as Bluetooth.

9. Put some comfortable Lounge Chairs

Although it is a pool party, some people prefer to avoid going into pools altogether! If you have any guest who wishes to work on their tan, it is better that you place a few cozy lounge chairs so that they can recline in various positions.

Even guests, who like to spend a long time swimming, would also like to take some breaks to relax. While it is not compulsory, it is nice to have some seating area that is sheltered by an umbrella. This helps guests stay cool and saved from the sun.

10. Pool Party Games

With lots of food, music, and friends, your pool party is already confirmed to be a blast. To take things up a notch, ensure you have a few games ready if your friends ever wish a change in pace.

These pool party games are only a few ideas to get you started. If you wish to keep things simple, you can stay classic by pairing up to play chicken or have a water balloon fight.

Just be courteous of guests who wish to stay dry. If there is a lot of splashing, keep checking any sunbathers to ensure they are happy.

Final Thoughts

Pool parties are really fun if you plan them properly using the tips shared in this article. If you own a pool, summer is the best time to rent it out and be the best host besides earning a great deal of money. Join the pool rental app of your choice, list your pool, and start taking bookings.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz

If you have a pool &/or a beautiful backyard in your home, know that you can earn a great deal of money out of it. Pool and backyard rentals are quickly rising as the hot money makers in the post-pandemic world. When most of the public pools shut down and not many people are willing to take the risk of using a public pool, private pools are the best and safer alternative. People looking to cool themselves off in the hot weather and have some great summer staycation are likely to go for the easy-to-book and use pool rentals, making it a lucrative business for the private pool owners and the homeowners with well-maintained backyards. In this article, we will highlight how pool rentals have become so profitable and why pool owners should go for them.

Why Should Pool Owners Consider Renting their Pools?

If you have a pool, it has to stay on, keep circulating, flowing, heating, and monitoring the levels of chemicals. Pool maintenance, on average, costs between $3,000 to $5,000 a year. What if you can cover this cost with a rental or can even earn profit out of it as your additional income? I hope it sounds great to you too. A few years back, when I heard of one of the pool rental apps that connects the pool owners with those searching pool rentals, I decided to become a host to cover my pool maintenance cost. It worked out quite well. I rented a pool about 500 times this year and made almost $50,000. I am expecting at least the same in the coming summer. Not just has this additional money covered the cost of my pool maintenance but it also brought a very new revenue system for me.

Pool Rentals Increasing During the Pandemic

The growing number of pool rental apps, taking the advantage of a sharing economy, follow the model of businesses like Uber and Resortifi. These apps are the best means to streamline the rental process for both the pool owners and the renters.

People are looking for the means to safely resume recreational and fitness activities they have been doing before the pandemic while maintaining the pandemic-driven social distancing and other SOPs now. Hence, the pool rental apps are experiencing increasing demand since then.

For pool owners like me, these apps offer not just a way to cover the pool costs but also the source of handsome income for those who lost their jobs or were having financial constraints during the pandemic.

During the pandemic, most people could not go to the gym so pool rentals are the right place at the right time to help them start their fitness regime. Another idea that inspired the pool rental concept is that it is the way to give people who do not have their pool easy access and a safe place to swim. Nowadays, pools are being used as more than just an exercise. I have rented out my pool for different activities as diverse as baptisms to birthday parties to aqua therapy events and underwater drone trials.

How to Rent the Pools?

Pool owners can list their pool along with its description, pictures, and rates on the pool rental websites or apps. People using these apps or sites, check out the pools and the amenities it offers, choose the one they like, and make an online booking. The host then approves the booking as per the availability and cost and then the guest is notified of the further procedure including the payment terms. Most of the apps offer diverse payment options including visa cards, online transfers, etc.

When it comes to charging for the pool rental, pool owners have a variety of options. Pool rent can be charged on an hourly basis, where the average hourly rate starts from $45 per hour. Bigger pool and backyard areas include spas, hot tubs, outdoor grills, music, etc., and can go for as high as $200/$300 per hour. Some pool owners charge an additional premium for big groups.

On average, the pool hosts make around $10,000 to $20,000 per year, as per some of the surveys and as per my own experience as a pool owner who rents frequently during a year. However, some hosts may make much more. On the high end, I have seen that a pool host in Portland, Oregon, made more than $130,000 last year.

The pool rental websites or apps through which you rent the pool charge a certain percentage for its hosting service and take a percentage from the renters too as a fee for matching service. Besides these, no other fee is involved.

The Rules to Know for Pool Rental

1. Get insurance

One of the most important things to consider is insurance. You would surely want to protect your property from any kind of damage from possibly unruly guests, but now you should also consider your liability for your guests’ safety.

What happens if your pool renter meets an accident while using your pool or backyard? The typical homeowner’s insurance you would have may not cover this liability in this case or might not offer adequate coverage. Hence, the individual hosts must obtain liability insurance to protect themselves.

You should also know that not all pool rental websites or apps offer additional insurance services. Only a few apps have collaborated with a reliable insurance company to provide their custom Protection Guarantee. Such programs provide hosts with liability insurance up to $1 million (some also offer up to $10,000 in separate property damage insurance). The great news is that the insurance policies are often provided to the host at no cost.

2. Consider the activities you can deal with

If you are renting your pool that you will also probably use yourself at some point, you must consider the kinds of activities you want to host. You might feel more comfortable renting to a smaller group or individuals instead of larger groups. As a pool owner, you can decide the parameters like the number of people and the kinds of activity you can accept for your pool.

Also, think of how often you would want to rent the pool, whether it will just be on the weekends or the weekdays? Whether it will be at day only or night as well? You must also think about your neighbors while renting a pool particularly if you are hosting big groups that might lead to traffic congestion on the residential streets.

3. Amenities

Think of what other facilities or amenities you can provide with the pool. This helps you elevate the price of your location. Perhaps you have a backyard grill or the hot tub close to the pool. Will you contain the use of these in a rental? Will you offer towels, a sound system, a TV or some other kind of entertainment? How about bathroom access? Clarify the guests about what is included and what is not, in the rental, and what might be included at an additional cost. Consider all such information when you decide and list the price.

4. Keep your promise

Ensure whatever you are selling is what you actually offered to your guest.

Like with the home listing, what is going to sell your pool are descriptions and photos you post. Quality photos of your pool and surroundings will go a long way for drawing pool renters to your listing (such as pool, backyard, resort, guest room, garden etc). This implies keeping your entire pool area clean, safe, and well maintained.

When the guest arrives, they expect to see exactly what the photos showed to them. Make sure the whole pool area is clean, the furniture is in place, and that any extra services offered, such as sound systems, are in proper working conditions.

5. Set your rules and expectations

Keep in mind that it is your home after all. Some hosts try to greet their guests personally and show them the area they are renting and where all amenities are located. This is also a good time to discuss in brief the rules and expectations to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. This establishes the tone for both their fun and the level of respect vital to treat the pool and property. For a great experience, both the pool host and the renter should abide by the ethics and values while using such property.

6. Payment Terms

To have a seamless and hassle-free pool rental experience, make sure you have clear payment terms with the guests. Usually, the pool rental apps and websites provide alternative payment options where the guests are required to pay in advance to confirm the booking. At some apps, a 50% down payment is required. You can select the means suitable to you and clarify it with your listing. To avoid any issue later, it is advised to take the payment from the guest in full at the time of making a booking.

7. Disputes

Just like any other business, the pool rental business is not free from conflicts and disputes between the host and the guests. The pool rental apps provide the mechanism to deal with and resolve such cases. Make sure you abide by the same to get the dispute resolved most effectively.

Final Thoughts

Pool rental is surely one of the fastest-growing business models across the globe, especially in the United States. The summer waves are going higher every year and in the post-pandemic world, the pool rentals will be a great way for everyone to have a great summertime at economical cost with much ease and safety.

· 9 min read
Sana Naz

If you often rent a pool or backyard for your summer parties or vacations, this article is for you. It also helps pool owners understand how to fulfill their guests' expectations when it comes to their health and safety.

We know that many go to the poolside to bear the summer heat and humidity and to relax and spend some great time with their loved ones. Even those not having a pool are seeking ways to get their fix in during the times when most of the public pools are still closed. While some visit the friend’s place, others are turning to a new and popular alternative i.e. “renting” a pool for a day.

With pool rental as a rising business model nowadays, many pool rental apps are rising in popularity. These pool rental apps let you rent a pool from the home located nearby your home. The reason behind this growing trend is the pandemic that led many public pools to shut down for an uncertain period. And the ones opened are still considered a risky experience by many. Pool rentals rose as a great solution.

The pool rental app users can rent pools based on time, duration, and cost. Usually, in the United States, the hourly rates range between $30 and $50, on average, based on the user's location. It means you get to enjoy a cool dip without being worried about any kind of pool maintenance.

However, unfortunately, there is a shortcoming to this trend. There are the health and safety risks involved in using other people’s pools, particularly when COVID-19 is still a big concern.

This article eases this problem by highlighting how to stay safe while using other’s pools this summer, particularly if you are renting one.

The health concerns associated with swimming pool

Pools have always been related to health risks, mainly in the spread of infectious diseases. This includes infections of:

  • eyes
  • ears
  • nose
  • throat

As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recreational water was one of the major sources behind 208 outbreaks, between 2015 and 2019. This included over 2000 cases of cryptosporidium, a microscopic parasite causing diarrhea, and 65 outbreaks of Legionella, a bacterium causing a pneumonia-like illness. These outbreaks led to a total of 13 deaths.

Swimmers are faced with the risk of recreational water illnesses (RWI) that may cause skin and wound infection or mild to extreme irritation. As water fastens the growth of germs and bacteria, there’s a higher chance of illness, particularly to open cuts or wounds. Many germs, bacteria, and chemicals present in the body of water may prolong the wound healing process.

Common symptoms of recreational water illnesses include:

  • ear pain or infection
  • cough
  • congestion
  • eye pain or irritation
  • diarrhea
  • skin rashes

How disease can contaminate the pools

Almost all types of the public body of water may become a host to outbreaks. These include:

  • pools
  • aquatic centers
  • water playgrounds
  • spas
  • hot tubs

The CDC mentions that disease outbreaks can be resulted due to pathogens and chemicals present in the water. Germs spread easily in pools, traveling in water from person to person. Contaminated water might be swallowed or make contact with the bodies.

If chemicals and cleaning agents such as chlorine aren’t maintained up to the correct level, germs can replicate and be transmitted. This means the pool users may get sick.

Ways to stay healthy

It’s important to take some measures to reduce the risk of illness while swimming in the pool.

Being cautious not just protects you but also those present around you. Adopting safer swimming practices makes sure that you and your loved ones are saved from such second-hand infections.

Here are a few safety guidelines to take care of when you use the pool:

  • Shower before and after swimming.
  • Avoid swallowing pool water.
  • Cover open cuts or wounds.
  • Do your health inspection.
  • Don’t swim if you are ill.
  • Keep ears dry.
  • Take regular bathroom breaks.

Shower before and after swimming

The best way to decrease the risk of illness is by reducing the level of contamination in the swimming pool. One way to ensure this is to take shower before and after you swim. Taking a shower before going into the swimming pool has been proven to reduce contamination by cutting the number of microorganisms, chemicals, and sweat that transfer to the water.

It’s also recommended to take a shower after swimming using antibacterial soap to curtail any germs present in the body before they can cause any disease.

Avoid swallowing pool water

Every swimmer takes billions of microbes into the water, with them. This includes pee, yep, and fecal matter. According to some studies, adults, on average, swallow 1 tablespoon of water every 45 minutes during swimming. Given those microbes present around, it’s sufficient to make one sick.

Kids are at an expressively higher risk, swallowing 2.5 tablespoons per 45 minutes, on average.

You can minimize the quantity of contaminated water entering your body by keeping the mouth out of the water or avoiding swallowing it, at least.

Cover open cuts and wounds

Covering open cuts and wounds with a strong bandage is vital to prevent contamination and fasten the healing process of the wound. Moreover, germs or bacteria from open cuts or wounds can contaminate communal water and quicken the movement of injurious pathogens. Properly covering up cuts and wounds protects everyone in the pool.

It’s significant to get bandages that keep the cuts or wounds dry and protected. It is recommended to use waterproof bandages.

Do your health inspection

Chlorine helps curtail the pool's germs to a significant extent. Before jumping into a rented pool, it’s always advisable to know the water chemical levels yourself.

This can be performed with portable test strips, like branded Pool and Spa Test Strips or a liquid testing kit.

Don’t swim if you are ill

Save others by avoiding swimming in the pool if you’re not feeling well. Any germs in or on your body might be transmitted to others.

This is particularly important if you have long been experiencing symptoms of diseases like diarrhea. As recommended by CDC, if you’ve been identified with Crypto (or Cryptosporidium), don’t swim for at least 2 weeks after symptoms stop.

Keep ears dry

It might be hard to keep your ears fully dry, but doing so can help decrease your risk of contracting a disease-causing germ that could result in the development of an illness. You can keep your ears dry as much as possible by using swim caps, earplugs, or appropriate sanitation processes post-swimming activities. Germs and bacteria can enter your body through the ears, so it’s imperative to dry any surplus moisture, particularly in children.

Take regular bathroom breaks

For better pool hygiene, there should be no pooping or peeing in the pool.

If there are kids around, it’s best to take them off to the bathroom after every hour or two to help ensure no bodily fluids are coming out accidentally. Practicing good pool courtesy and taking regular restroom breaks help avoid bodily fluids from polluting shared waters. This transmission of fluids can cause illness and infection of others.

Tips to encounter some serious situations

  • Post-swim skin irritation

Hot tub rash appears when you have a contaminated pool, but it can also be seen after swimming in a poorly treated heated pool. The germ Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes rashes, and it often is visible on skin covered by a suit. Hence hours in a wet bikini can worsen the situation.

To prevent it, avoid waxing or shaving before taking a swim and always wash your body with soap and water and dry yourself as soon as possible after being in a pool.

If you see red itchy bumps or little pus-filled blisters, consult with your doctor to get a prescription for some anti-itch cream.

  • Post-swim ear irritation

This is the infection in the outer ear canal. It is not transmitted from person to person. Rather, it’s caused when the water remains in the ear canal for a long period, causing bacteria to grow and cause problems. Germy pool water is the biggest offender.

If you are vulnerable to this condition, try swimming wearing earplugs. Your doctor can custom fit you for them. They might also be able to give you ear drops that avoid the swimmer's ear. After swimming, tip the head to drain water from the ear canal, and always dry ears with a towel.

In case of red, itching, painful, or swollen ears, consult with your doctor to check if you feel like you can't get water out of your ear or it starts to bring the symptoms as mentioned above. Swimmer’s ear is generally treated with antibiotic ear drops.

Final Thoughts

With rising, the use of pool rental apps shows that the pool rental trend is only going to rise in the future. And for good reason. Renting a nearby private pool or backyard, or even a water playground, is an ideal and economical way to beat the summer heat and enjoy great vacation time.

However, diving into someone else’s pool potentially comes with health risks, including the potential of contracting a transferrable agent and recreational water-related illnesses.

After all the discussion about the pool germs and what harm they can cause to our bodies, you might want to avoid that cool dip in the rented pool altogether. We aren’t scaring you, but this unpleasant information should help you stick to the best hygiene tips and practices as mentioned in this article to stay safe and healthy.

It’s significant to take steps to keep you and your loved ones safe so all can enjoy keeping cool in the water.

· 8 min read
Sana Naz

Adopting a minimalist approach for pool landscaping is an economical trend nowadays; however, adding fancy elements like a true oasis can turn your pool and backyard landscaping into something unique and a great place to relax. The good news is that the unique pool landscaping ideas do not necessitate high costs if you are smart enough to plan your pool or backyard landscaping ideas and stages. For truly stunning pool landscaping, think beyond a concrete pathway around the water. Rather, think of upgraded pavers, aromatic flowers, inviting seating, and extraordinary lighting that would let you and/or your guests enjoy this great close-to-home escape anytime a day. Considering a popular trend of pool rentals or backyard rentals, we believe that being a pool or backyard owner, you can double your rental income by implementing some unique pool landscaping ideas that can attract more guests.

The first and most important thing to note is that landscaping is not just about rocks and greenery. For full pool landscaping, think of blending hardscaping and softscaping components. By integrating natural elements, the pool feels truly like a true paradise and not just an ordinary concrete-made water pit. Being a pool owner looking to boost your pool rental business, here are some great pool landscaping ideas that you can adopt to increase your booking rate.

1. Adding Jungle-Inspired Plants Around the Pool

By integrating lush plants across the pool’s surroundings, you can develop a spot that will have your guests questioning if they are in a backyard or on their tropical vacation. Choosing the best plant varieties is based on your climate, but the pool owners residing in regions of the country that necessitate hardier plants can also have some aesthetics with hostas, hibiscus, and ferns. Some palms can bear sub-zero temperatures.

2. Make a Rock Wall Along a Part of the Pool

You can truly enhance your pool’s or backyard’s landscaping by including some high-end boulders around the pool’s edge. For an ultimate customized look, you can include rock into the design of the pool at the time of construction. However, even if you are changing your landscaping into an existing pool, you may use this unique idea with both artificial and real boulders—including some of those offering built-in speakers.

3. Add Resort-like Effect with Specialized Built-In Planters

Nothing else can better make your guest calm than a feeling of relaxing at a lush and peaceful resort. Why don't you add this unique element to your pool or backyard? It is very easy with built-in planters that give a resort-like feeling. It is recommended to have a softscaping focal point with striking planters that are built directly into its landscaping. Great for displaying blooming flowers, shrubs, or trees, built-in planters bring an instant wow element to any pool’s landscaping.

4. Add a Shaded Lounging Space

Scorching sunlight in summer is a big turn-off for the pool guests. The shaded lounging space serves as a heaven for relaxing during hot sunny days while enjoying the pool. You can make it in a shade with the poolside cabana space. The most economical and simplest option is to include a sail shade and simple but elegant lounging chairs. You can even develop a complete open-air pool house to give a look that tops several 5-star resorts.

5. Pool Decking Space Expansion with Xeriscaping

With pool or backyard landscaping, this expansion is one of the main expenses. The building or renewing a pool deck through stamped pavers lets you incur an average cost of $7,000. By adding the xeriscaping components around a narrow pool deck, it is possible to reduce costs while having a Palm Springs-like vibe.

6. Fill the Space between Concrete Pavers With Grass

The space between the concrete pavers is troublesome for everyone, especially children. Moreover, it may cause injuries too. Why don't you let your guests sink their toes into lush green grass? Add some virtual excitement across the pool by adding some inches of turf in between the concrete pavers. This gives a look that is concurrently contemporary and classic and makes a unique pool-landscaping concept to consider if you are looking to renovate the pool decking.

7. Include a Raised Wooden Deck

Blending different kinds of materials for the pool decking space is an ideal means to add a few interesting design rudiments to the pool landscaping. Adding a somewhat elevated floating wood deck adjacent to the pool is a nice and great way to give the delusion of extra space. Add a court table for the ideal poolside banqueting space.

8. Add a Waterfall Feature for A Feel Like Tropical Escape

Including a waterfall feature is a definite way to make any pool’s landscaping feel exquisite and more glamorous—and the plan may not be as costly as you would think. On average, the homeowners in the region can expect the cost of $1,500 for a 12-foot, skillfully installed rock waterfall. This unique feature makes any pool or backyard look luxurious irrespective of the size; thus, it makes a great USP for the pool owners who are into the pool rental business.

9. Plant Flowers that are great for Human Senses

Everyone loves flowers; especially those fond of fragrances and scents. Spending a relaxing time around a pool is an enriching sensory experience if some aromatic blooms are added to the pool landscape design. With the microclimate of its own, you should do some research before planting the new shrubs or flowers around the pool. However, some comparatively safe bets for all kinds of climates include geraniums and lavender. Alternatively, you can grow your favorite ones in pots to feel your favorite season for long.

10. A built-in Firepit

Why don't you let your guests enjoy their pool evening with an exotic built-in fire pit in the backyard? This makes a great deal to make their pool party complete. If your pool is the go-to social gathering spot of your house, make a more attractive evening hangout with the built-in firepit included in the poolside landscaping design. On average, it costs from $300 to $1,400 to fix a propane-burning fire pit skillfully installed, but it leads to irreplaceable entertaining experiences.

11. A Poolside Bar

Let your guests mix up some delicious drinks at the poolside bar. Sounds interesting? The idea of a poolside bar is rising in popularity in a modern poolside landscaping design. If you are making a pool, you can include a swim-up bar in the design. Or, if you add an existing pool landscaping, think of creating a freestanding combo bar with a grilling space for hosting the best dinner gatherings. Once the bar is installed, all you want is someone expert in making different drinks. Alternatively, you can ask your guests to bring someone with them to serve at the drink bar. A poolside bar is an ideal way to beat the summer heat while enjoying the pool party in the water.

12. Make Seating into Hardscaping

Give guests a seat in their next pool party with some gorgeous built-in benches around a pool decking or in a backyard area. An easy inclusion to any space where you want a retaining wall, such seating can make the entire pool landscaping feel more appealing, particularly if you add a few outdoor cushions or pillows.

13. Professional Lighting

Let’s light the poolside up with some professionally designed lighting to keep the space lively even at night. Pool parties are no longer limited to the daytime anymore; thanks to the professionally installed lighting that can help you boost your rental income by renting your pools at nighttime too. A worthy elevation to the string lights or tiki torches skillfully installed lighting around the pool space will add a functional luxury to the whole landscaping. Whether you are making the poolside structures or just want to add lighting, the custom lighting can make your landscaping stand out.

14. Modern Aesthetics with Minimal Design

With clean and clear lines, a manicured turf, and a narrow pool deck, your pool landscaping will shine—without looking fussy. This keeps a focus on a pool and lounging without necessitating extra landscaping maintenance.

15. Pool Fence Upgradation

Even though the pool fencing is primarily an aspect of safety, that does not imply it cannot look great. Think of your overall landscaping design while choosing the best fencing for the pool space so that you may add to the aesthetic instead of distracting from it. Nowadays, several design options are available for pool fences that are not just durable but also economical. Above all, these just look great to add an oomph into your poolside landscaping overall.

16. Exotics Versus Natives

You might be attracted to the idyllic images and buy an exotic banana tree from some website, but you would be wasting your money if it were not appropriate for your neighborhood. Nearby plant sales outlets or botanical gardens typically feature plants that are native to your area or will adjust well to your climate. Shopping locally will then be much safer than placing an order over the internet. If in doubt, see the regional charts or consult with your local nursery for the plants that will live and thrive in your backyard or near the pool.

Final Thoughts

The winter season is the best time to change your pool landscaping or backyard into a heaven-like spot through the above-mentioned ideas. Try any of these and let us know if it made any difference in your sales. We are sure, it would!

· 9 min read
Sana Naz

If you are a pool owner who frequently rents a pool to outside parties, this article helps you make this pool rental experience safe and memorable for your guests. In a fast-rising pool rental industry, it is important to stand out from the crowd to get more bookings and positive reviews. One of the ideal ways of doing so is emphasizing the numerous amenities your pool has to offer. With summer at its peak, promoting your pool uniquely can surely set you apart but what you might not think of right away is the peril related to this particular amenity. Amenities like a pool or lakefront property necessitate more attention to ensure your guests' safety. In this article, we will highlight the safety standards that the vacation pool or the backyard rentals must know, including the risks associated with pools, diving slides and boards, depth markers, pool floats, and toys and rescue equipment.

What is “Negligence”?

Before going into pool specifics, you should know what negligence is as it relates to vacation rentals and why understanding is so important.

Simply saying, negligence is an inability to “take care in doing something”. Once a person agrees to pay you for the service like renting your pool, you must take more care in assessing risks in your pool area. “Negligence” puts you in a place where a renter and their lawyer might see a chance to prove that their loss or injury happened because of your carelessness towards the pool safety details.

When it comes to U.S. lawsuits, someone can sue you for just about anything, and there are infinite chances for accidents in a holiday home. This is indeed where the insurance comes in. However, even the insurance has some limitations, and if your guest can prove your carelessness caused their loss or injury, the more likely you are to surpass your insurance liability limits. On the other hand, the more you emphasize safety in your home the less chance for negligence on your part. If there were any injuries, this work would not just increase your insurance company’s probability of winning the case but also significantly decrease the potential payout imposed by a judge.

Why do pools have a high risk?

From an insurance viewpoint, claims because of injury at a pool are common, so anything you may do to decrease risk at this exposure is a good place to start. The certainty is you just do not know who is staying in your pool rental and their skill to swim may differ widely. Removing hazards like slides, diving boards, and non-certified floatation devices can significantly lessen the likelihood of an accident. Many listings skip addressing such issues since it is not a requirement or they do not think they will get as many bookings without such features. Most simply do not even think about the risk.

Slides and Diving Boards

Slides and diving boards are fun elements at pools for children and adults, but there is a vast liability concern when it is about offering such elements to your short-term pool rental guests.

Unlike government or public pools, there is no lifeguard on duty if someone is injured using the diving board. It is also hard to know the skills of your guests, and if they understand how to use such items safely. This brings to your business needless legal risks in the case of any injury. For these and other reasons, numerous insurance providers might necessitate you to eliminate your diving board and slides to reduce the liability concern and possibility of negligence on your part.

Depth Markers

Depth markers are a security measure you will see at any public pool like a city pool or your local hotel. With depth markers placed on all four sides of the pool, guests and guests are warned and can review their and their children’s swimming abilities accordingly. The standard should be the same for your short-term pool rental.

Having “warning” notices in place can significantly lessen your negligence if a guest were to be hurt at your pool. In addition to the depth markers, you usually see a ‘no diving’ sign at the shallow end. These facts are vital safety reminders for your pool guests.

If there were an accident, your insurance carrier will have a better chance of succeeding on a verdict if a guest and their lawyer see an opportunity to claim their injury was due to your negligence.

Rescue Equipment

Rescue equipment must be your priority for your pool rental guests. When you go to some hotel and use their pool, you will see all kinds of warnings, equipment, and waivers in the water area. Rescue equipment like lifesaving pool rings or buoys is always portrayed on a surrounding wall or somewhere near the pool. You can bet the hotel is going to use all precautions to ensure their guests remain safe, and it should be the same for you as a short-term pool rental host.

We have already highlighted that you do not know the skills of your guests, and giving rescue equipment could help your pool guests remain safe if there is an accident. Including such safety equipment will also help your insurance carrier fight a lawsuit if your guests are injured.

Floats & Pool Toys

While it is not a barrier to entry for the insurance, providing floats and pool toys to your pool guests could escalate your liability exposure. The reason is that by offering them your rental you are unconsciously encouraging those who might not be the best swimmers to go for a pool dip, which could eventually result in drowning.

Some floatation tools like life vests are certified by the U.S. coast guard and come with appropriate use instructions. Your insurance company might recommend that you just give these devices as they are rated for safe use. Others are just buoyant materials that might pop or cannot hold a floating guest. It is recommended to keep such stuff away from your pool rental.

Get Peace of Mind with Proper Underwriting

Satisfactory safety standards for the pools (depth markers, no diving board, rescue equipment, etc.) are an underwriting necessity of various insurance carriers since they are a ‘known risk’, meaning they have experienced many lawsuits involving such items in the past. Underwriters might ask that you make modifications to your property like adding depth markers on four sides of the pool to sustain the insurance contract, however, if there is any injury at your property your liability insurance will come into place.

While such a requirement might seem like a barrier to entry, there is usually a grace period in which the underwriters will inform you of potential risks and provide you an opportunity to rectify the issue without a coverage gap. Choosing an insurance carrier with underwriters knowledgeable with short-term rentals is a big help since they will evaluate your property for the potential risks. They have seen hundreds of listings and lawsuits making it easy for them to recognize issues before the accident.

Eventually, when accidents occur, you must call your insurance carrier. If the property is underwritten and insured as per its use as a short-term rental you can have the liability coverage. For this reason, it’s significant to be open with your insurance carrier and confirm to have safety measures in place that are proper for commercial use, not just your personal use. The more you pay attention to the recommendations of the underwriters, the safer you and your property will be from any damage or losses.

Use fences

Install a safety fence or gate around the pool to help ensure the safety of persons necessitating supervision and children.

A gate containing a highly placed lock safeguards against small children having unsupervised access.

Moreover, check that pool covers are in use and working properly.

It is always recommended to be aware of the local regulations to confirm necessities for pool fences, gates, and covers.

If your pool already has a fence, you can let people know by choosing that you have one in your property editor.

Ensure Regular Pool Maintenance

Poorly maintained pools make a property less desirable and lead to many kinds of accidents.

It is imperative to keep your pool clean and safe with the below tips.

  • Weekly tasks:

Remove debris, from the surface of the water as well as the bottom of the pool

Maintain salt levels or chlorine levels

Inspect the water level and adjust as required

View the filter pressure and backwash as required

  • Monthly tasks:

Test for the water hardness (calcium content), dissolved solids, PH levels, and add chemicals as desired

Clean your pool filter

Check the working of the pump and motor

  • Additional tasks, as required:

Be updated on the local pool rules and safety changes

Read local laws and regulations for pool areas

Schedule tasks and ensure maintenance services are performed on time

Monitor access, pool furniture storage, and chemical storage

Access the need for safety equipment and manage the same from appropriate vendors

Monitor locker, restroom, and shower facilities and keep them clean

Monitor rule implementation and field any issues and complaints

You can do such chores yourself; however, it is better to contract a handyperson to do it for you before and after every rental session. Irrespective, property managers must keep a regular check on the pool system to guarantee that safety measures are in place.

Final Thoughts

With a focus on safety measures and smart safety moves, you can rent out your pools with confidence.