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Shared Pools / Backyards (sharing pool or backyard with another guest to divide the cost of a very luxurious space)

1. Can my friend and I co-rent the same pool?

Yes; depending upon the host’s property’s limitations like the number of guests. For instance, if you are co-renting a pool where your total guest count lies within the host’s maximum number of guests count; it is possible to co-share or co-rent the pool.

2. What would be the payment terms in that case?

At the time of booking, the person making the booking needs to pay in full to confirm the booking. The platform does not divide the total payable among more than one person if there is co-sharing of the property.

3. What would be a liability in that case if there were any damage or violations?

The person under whose booking is confirmed will be liable for the damages.

Note: Co-renting the property is solely a personal agreement between you and the person whom you want to co-rent the property with. Resortifi is not liable for any consequences that happen as a result of such agreement(s).

4. Should I co-rent a property with someone?

Depending upon the type of property and the person whom you want to co-renting with, you can go for this option.

This is ONLY recommended when you are renting a big luxurious property and want to share the cost, and the person whom you are co-renting is trustable.

Resortifi and the pool owners/hosts will be under the binding agreement only with the person making and confirming the booking.

5. Can my friend who is co-renting a property with me, pay the cost?

If your friend is the one making a book, they can.

6. Should I have to give any information about the person whom I want to co-rent the property?

Yes. At the time of booking, you will be asked to put the details of the booking including the number of guests and the contact numbers of all or some of them.

7. Can I co-rent the property with someone whom I do not know?

Resortifi does not include the feature that recommends people residing near you and searching for a similar co-renting option. Hence, through the platform, you cannot find anyone with whom you want to co-rent the property. However, in your circle, you have the option to co-rent a place; again, it will be solely a personal agreement between you and that person. The payment at the time of booking needs to be paid in full by one party only (i.e. the party making a booking).