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Listing & Amenities

1. How can I ensure my photos are great for the listing?

Give guests a sense of what to expect with captivating photos of your space—including photos of the inside, outside, and the neighborhood around your listing.

How to get the best photos:

  • Set the scene: For a spacious and inviting look, make sure the space is clean and free of clutter.
  • Daylight works best: Open the blinds and turn on the lights to brighten your space.
  • Use landscape format: Photos in search results are all displayed in the landscape—vertical photos won't showcase your space as well.
  • Upload the right resolution: Use photos that are at least 1024px x 683px. When in doubt, a bigger photo is better.
  • Show off unique amenities: Guests love to stay in spaces with character, so call attention to details like a fireplace, artwork, or backyard barbeque.
  • Highlight accessibility features: Emphasize things that are helpful to guests with limited mobility, such as wide doorways, step-free floors, and grab rails. Learn more about which features qualify and the best way to photograph them.

2. What to consider while offering internet access to my guests?

If you add internet or wireless internet as an amenity, your listing will appear when people search or filter for places with the internet.

It may be useful to tell guests that if they use your network, they agree to use it only for legal purposes and they promise not to use it for illegal uploading, downloading, or other illegal activities.

We encourage hosts to use wi-fi safety best practices:

  • Create an encrypted (ex: WPA2) guest network, and only share that password with guests after they’ve confirmed their booking
  • Store your router and modem in a secure, locked location in your home that guests can’t access
  • Create strong passwords for your router and modem, and change them often
  • Routinely check your router and modem for software updates