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How to respond to an inquiry?

An inquiry is a message from a guest looking for more information about certain dates they have in mind before they send a trip request. It means they’re this close to saying yes—so, help them out!

Respond within 24 hours

Be sure to respond to all messages—especially inquiries and trip requests—within 24 hours. A quick response is one of the best ways to lock in a booking and maintain a good response rate, which helps your listing appear higher in search results.

Speed things up

Every inquiry is an opportunity to impress. Responding with the right incentive can help you fill your place sooner.

Invite them to book: This is the fastest way to clinch a booking after an inquiry—all the guest has to do is confirm your invitation

Send a special offer: Depending on what they’re asking, try suggesting a different price, date, or listing that might work better.