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What is the difference between a booking “Inquiry” or “Request”?

I see several hosts wondering why their response rating has decreased or their calendar block when they have responded to all their inquiries and requests. It is important to know the difference between a “booking inquiry” and a “booking request” and how not responding to one can affect your response rating and in many instances result in your calendar being blocked.

All About Booking Inquiries

First of all, Resortifi suggests that guests send out several booking inquiries when looking for a property to rent using Resortifi. When a guest sends an inquiry, they usually send them out to several listings in the same area. It is kind of like window-shopping for a Resortifi listing. The guest can screen hosts by sending a question (inquiry) but they need to complete the dates which they are inquiring about staying and the number of guests. A host may receive pre-approvals from several guests enabling them to choose which listing fits their needs best. The important thing to note on "inquiries" is that all you have to do is "respond" to the inquiry within the 24 hours to maintain your response rating. It is of course best to screen the guest who is inquiring and either "pre-approving" them or "declining" them but the most important thing is to at least respond to them within the 24 hour time frame.

How Does a Guest Make an Inquiry?

For the guest to make an inquiry, they will choose your listing and then choose “Contact Host”.

A box will then pop up where the guest can enter the dates they are inquiring about, the number of guests, and their message and questions for the host. They then send the inquiry.

What Does the Host Receive When a Guest Sends an Inquiry?

The host will then receive the guest’s booking inquiry and have the options to either “Pre-Approve” or “Decline” or respond in the response box. All you really need to do is respond to the inquiry within 24 hours of receiving it and your response rating will not be affected. If you “Pre-Approve”, you are essentially allowing the guest to Instant Book the booking. If they choose to go with your listing after you pre-approved them, they will complete the checkout process and your listing will be booked for the dates you pre-approved for. You also have the option of sending a "Special Offer".

If you choose to just respond, you will converse back and forth through the messaging system.

All About Booking Requests

It is essential that you understand "booking requests". A booking request means that a guest is ready to book your property and they just need your approval. Once you approve their request, your place will become a confirmed booking. It is also important to know that you have 24 hours to take action on the request by either "accepting" or "declining" the booking request. If you do not either accept or decline within the 24 hours, your response rating will be affected.
Also, if you do not accept or decline, your calendar can be blocked for the dates that the guest requested. So, if you have a guest who is taking their time getting back to any of your questions and the 24 hour clock is running down and you are not quite comfortable yet with the guest, it is best to decline the request. You can explain to the guest that you are declining their request because you would like more information and that they can make another request or you can send them a special offer which becomes available when you decline.

Why does letting the 24 hours pass without accepting or declining affect your response rate and blocking of your calendar?

Many people get upset by having their calendar blocked or their response rating decreased because they did not accept or decline. We do understand some of these situations as you could be in different time zones or it may take forever for a guest to respond back. You see, when a guest sends a request, they have to go through the check out process of adding their payment method as Resortifi either charges them in full or places a pre-authorization on their payment method. If the booking is declined or it expires, they may not have access to that money on their payment method, sometimes up to 10 days as it takes time for that money to be returned to their payment method. Not only that, they have also wasted a day trying to find a place and now they have to find another place.

How Does a Guest Make a Booking Request?

For a guest to make a request, from your listing, they would choose the dates, the number of guests and then choose the "Request to Book" tab.

The guest would then be taken to the payment screen. The guest would then fill in the "About Your Trip" section where the House Rules are stated, they can confirm or add the number of guests, and agree to the House Rules, Cancellation Policy and the Guest Refund Policy.

Finally, the guest can add the names of the additional guests and their emails and also have the option of having the itinerary emailed to anyone.

What Does the Host Receive with a Booking Request?

The host will receive the booking request notification. When they click on this, they can either "Approve", "Decline", or "Respond". The host will only have 24 hours to take the action of approving or declining or their response rating will be affected.

If the host chooses to "Accept", the booking is booked and confirmed. If you wish to decline the booking, you will be taken to a screen where you choose the reason for declining. You also have the option to explain why you are declining the request. If you wish to provide a message to the guest, you can do this as well.