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Details about the property

1. What information should I list with my property on the Resortifi platform?

For a great customer experience, we encourage hosts to list as much information as they can about their rental pool; this includes:

  • Property information (pool size, condition, age, height, depth, capacity, pictures)
  • Backyard information (if any)
  • Maximum capacity for property
  • Maximum capacity for booking
  • Available schedule (day and/or night)
  • Flexible/customized hours
  • Pricing terms and rates
  • Amenities and their cost
  • Charges for extended hours
  • Quality of neighborhood
  • Mode of payment and payment terms
  • Cancellation and refund policy
  • Events and occasions specific plans
  • Rental sharing options
  • Nearby locations
  • Transport routes
  • Health and safety measures
  • Specific amenities for children

2. How can I manage the Multi Sessions Booking? You can do the multi-session booking and edit additional per person fees via the following simple steps:

  1. Open the Pool tab
  2. Click Pricing & Guests
  3. Update your settings and click Save

3. How can I attract more guests?

Make the most of the summer and the summer parties. Offer party bookings available for your pool/backyard and generate a nice income. Hosts having a high volume of party bookings during summer should take extra precautions to keep the guests and their space safe.

4. Should I add professional pictures of the property?

To attract more guests and make your property look the best way possible, professional pictures of the property are highly preferred. However, you can also use the photos taken from your devices. Make sure the photos you post on your property listing should be clear, genuine, unedited, and recent.

Though you can add as many photos as you want; however, we recommend posting 5-10 best pictures.

5. Can I list my property without pictures?

Listing a property without specifications and details is not accepted at the Resortifi platform. In addition, it is important to complete your profile as a Host before you start listing your property. Incomplete profiles are not displayed on the platform and thus guests cannot see your listing. Once you complete your profile and get it verified, you are all set to make your guests.