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Occasion-specific pools and backyards suggestions/alerts

1. Can I be notified of the occasion-specific pools and backyards?

Resortifi exclusive automatic alerts keep you updated on all the occasion-specific properties that are offering occasion-specific discounts as well as amenities that you may be interested in, that are in your proximity and closely match your requirements depending upon your past and current interaction on the app.

2. Can I instantly book any pool?

Instant Booking lets Hosts pre-approve hours and directs the guest to confirm they are coming (and checkout). Once done, the pool/backyard address and access information is shared. The icon signifies if the pool/backyard offers instant booking. In the default process, you request a pool/backyard, the Host reviews the request and approves or rejects it manually, and then you confirm if you will be attending that booking. Guests can cancel an Instant Booking reservation as per the pool /backyard's cancellation policy.

3. When can I get the complete address of the property I booked?

The ordinary pools/backyards can be requested by the host and based on his/her approval, you can confirm your booking. Since guests look for multiple options, and we need to know which one they will confirm, only then do we ask them to charge their credit card.

Then, they get an email about the address of the location, access info, and other details the host wants to share. Resortifi chat platforms can always be used for further communication with the host.

Quick Tip: Blue clock icon is put on the pools/backyards available for instant booking. If you make such a booking request based on guests' limit set by the host and you get the pre-approval, you just need to confirm the same to get the address. As per our policy, the host must share the addresses and contact details with you as soon as you confirm your booking.

4. The pool I am trying to book shows grayed hours- what is meant by that?

To request the pool/backyard either for instant or non-instant booking, you must choose the date and hours.

Grayed hours mean:

  • The pool/backyard is not available due to being booked already
  • The host doesn’t want to rent it during those hours
  • The availability is unclear from the host

If you see any host’s calendar grayed out all the time, you can let us know with the information for us to check with the host.

5. How can I know when my desired property will be available?

You can include the property under your favorites or suggested listing list; so the next time whenever the pool is available, you will be notified.