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Booking confirmation alert and synchronization with personal calendar

1. Can I find a Pool near me?

With the Resortifi platform, you can search for hotel pools around you as per the location you enter into the app.

Open the App, click on the Target/Location in search, and allow the "Resortifi would like to use your current location” option to trigger a geo-located search of available pools near you.

2. Do I get notified if my booking is confirmed?

Once the pool/backyard request is made, the guest is notified about the same. Meanwhile waiting for the confirmation from the host, the guest can look for some more options. Once the host approves the request, the guest is notified to confirm and check. We do this because we know that you may request multiple pools for the same time, so we want to let the respective host that you are attending their booking.

3. How do I remember my booking?

Resortifi automatically synchronizes your pool booking with your mobile device; hence, your booking is configured with your calendar so that you can be reminded on time once the schedule is near.