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Rain and Inclement Weather Policy

If there is any weather Forecast

In case of rain, and under the platform’s rules, Resortifi permits the host and guest to accommodate their reservation for another date.

If Rain or Inclement Weather happens at the time of party

In case of any unsafe or uncomfortable environment, please let your guests move to a safe environment. For instance, in case of lighting or thunder, get everyone out of the pool/backyard and away from related structures (like furniture, showers, changing rooms, pump room, filter etc.). Indoors can be used by guests for waiting.

In case if the place is damaged due to weather, you and your guest may mutually agree to reschedule your party to another date. Contact Customer Support team for a full or partial refund without penalty in this case. Resortifi team may require documentation for weather-related requests.

Emergencies or safety issues

We don’t apply any penalty if cancellations are made for genuine safety reasons.