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How are taxes added to the listings?

If you’re a host who has provided your relevant tourist tax registration info, you may be eligible to collect taxes directly from guests by using our professional hosting tools. With this feature, you can set the type of tax, the way you want to collect it (percentage per booking, fee per guest, fee per night, or fee per guest per night), and what you want to collect it on (nightly price, fees, and other charges).

If you’re in a region or jurisdiction where we collect and remit taxes on your behalf (automatic or default tax collection), you may still be able to add taxes to your listing. Depending on the jurisdiction, you may have one of two options:

  • Opt out of the default tax collection and add your own taxes instead
  • Add taxes in addition to the taxes we automatically collect. Review the occupancy tax collection amounts to see what Resortifi collects on your behalf before adding additional taxes.

If you opt out of default tax collection and add your own taxes, we collect the taxes on your nightly rate and fees but pass them to you to remit to the tax authorities. If you add taxes in addition to the taxes we automatically collect, we pass your additional taxes to you to remit to the tax authorities, and we remit the taxes we automatically collect directly to the tax authorities. If you opt out of default tax collection, adding a tax replaces all default taxes.

Once the feature is set up, tax will be calculated based on your tax base setting. Guests are shown any taxes you’ve applied in the Occupancy Tax section of their price breakdown.

What can be taxed

  • Nightly rate (including Restortifi host fee)
  • Standard fees: management, community, and amenities fees
  • Cleaning fees

What’s not taxed

  • Resortifi guest fees
  • Security deposits

This feature isn’t available under certain conditions and the type of taxes you can collect through this feature may not cover your needs.

How to add taxes for individual listings

You’ll need to turn on professional hosting tools to access this feature.

If we don't already collect and remit taxes for your listing

  • Go to your Listings page and click the listing that you want to edit
  • Select Local taxes and laws
  • Click Add a tax
  • Select the Tax type from the drop-down menu
  • Select the Type of charge and then add the amount being collected in the box under Amount
  • Add your Business tax ID and Accommodations tax registration number if applicable to your listing jurisdiction
  • Choose whether your region provides an exemption for long-term rentals
  • Agree to the terms and click Save

If we collect and remit taxes for your listing (default taxes):

If we already collect some taxes for you, there are two ways you can add taxes to your listing, depending on the jurisdiction your listing is in. The first way lets you choose between default and custom tax collection. If you choose custom tax collection under this option, we'll only collect the taxes you add.

  • Go to your Listings page and click the listing that you want to edit
  • Select Local taxes and laws
  • Choose Custom tax collection
  • Click Add a tax
  • Select the Tax type from the drop-down menu
  • Select the Type of charge and then add the amount being collected in the box under Amount
  • Add your Business tax ID and Accommodations tax registration number
  • Choose whether your region provides an exemption for long-term rentals
  • Agree to the terms and click Save

If you later remove all custom taxes, you’ll automatically switch back to default tax collection. The second way you may be able to add taxes to a listing is to add more taxes to the taxes we already collect. We’ll collect these taxes in addition to the taxes we automatically collect on your behalf. You can review the tax amounts collected by Resortifi.

  • Go to your Listings page and click the listing that you want to edit
  • Select Local taxes and laws
  • Click Add a tax
  • Select the Tax type from the drop-down menu
  • Select the Type of charge and then add the amount being collected in the box under Amount
  • Add your Business tax ID and Accommodations tax registration number
  • Choose whether your region provides an exemption for long-term rentals
  • Agree to the terms and click Save