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What happens if a host doesn’t provide taxpayer information?

US tax rules require Resortifi to obtain taxpayer information from every Host that is a US citizen or tax resident, based on our records of their US identification card, US address or telephone number, US activity (“US Hosts”), every non-US Host with a US listing, and other non-US Hosts whose account profile suggests a connection to the United States through a US-based payment account. If you fall into any of these groups but do not provide us with taxpayer information, then Resortifi may:

  • Freeze payments to you
  • Block your listing calendar, and/or
  • Withhold tax on payouts as required under US tax laws and remit the withholding to the IRS

At the end of the year, we will send you an IRS Form 1099 (Form 1042-S for non-US persons) showing any withheld amounts. You may be able to obtain a refund from the IRS of the withheld amounts in some cases. We do not help with the refund process. The tax refund process can be complex and require assistance from a tax professional.