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What is Tax ID?

A tax ID for a business is a unique number relating directly to the business itself. For example, in the US, your business tax ID is your federal employer identification number (EIN); in the UK, your business tax ID is your unique taxpayer reference (UTR); and in Estonia, your business tax ID is your registration code for legal persons. This ID number will vary based on where your business is registered. This ID number may be used to identify your business for multiple purposes, not just taxes. Usually your business tax ID is issued at the time of tax or business registration. You can find this number on tax or business documents you’ve received.

Accommodations tax registration number

Many jurisdictions in the US issue an accommodations tax registration number, which is the unique number you were assigned by your local taxing jurisdiction. Depending on the jurisdiction, this may be an accommodations tax-specific registration number or a local business registration or account number. For example, in Florida, your accommodations tax registration number would be your state sales tax registration number for sales tax, and county tourist development tax number for tourist development tax; in Sacramento, California, your accommodations tax registration number is your business customer account number for transient occupancy tax; and in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, your accommodations tax registration number is your CAPC tax permit number. Your accommodations tax registration number will vary based on the specific tax you are collecting in addition to the jurisdiction.

Taxable base

Please note that taxable base selection is only available for the % per reservation type of charge. All other types of charge do not allow you to choose a taxable base.

If you host a non-Luxe listing, then the following price items are available as a taxable base for your custom tax rule:

  • Base price
  • Cleaning fee
  • Amenities fee
  • Resort fee
  • Management fee
  • Community fee

Multiple taxable bases can be selected for 1 rule. However, taxes will be calculated only if you have set a price for that price item.