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How the guests are ensured about the safety of the property?

Resortifi is designed with safety—both online and off—in mind

Risk scoring

Every Resortifi booking is scored for risk before it’s confirmed. We use predictive analytics and machine learning to instantly evaluate hundreds of signals that help us flag and investigate suspicious activity before it happens.

Watchlist & background checks

While no screening system is perfect, globally we run hosts and guests against regulatory, terrorist, and sanctions watchlists. For hosts and guests in the United States, we also conduct background checks.


We run safety workshops with hosts and leading local experts and encourage hosts to provide guests with important local information. We also give any host who wants one a free smoke and carbon monoxide detector for their home.

Secure payments

Our secure platform ensures your money gets to the host—that’s why we ask you to always pay through Resortifi and never wire money or pay someone directly.

Account protection

We take a number of measures to safeguard your Resortifi account, like requiring multi-factor authentication when a login is attempted from a new phone or computer and sending you account alerts when changes are made.

Scam prevention

Always pay and communicate directly through the Resortifi website or app. As long as you stay on Resortifi throughout the entire process—from communication, to booking, to payment—you are protected by our multi-layer defense strategy.

Know what to expect

We make it simple for you to get to know more about any property, experience, guest, or host before booking.


Everyone on Resortifi has a profile to help other guests or hosts get to know each other. To book or host, you’ll be asked to provide Resortifi with your full name, date of birth, phone number, payment information, and email address.

Secure messaging

Our secure messaging tool lets you get to know a host or guest and ask questions about a listing or experience ahead of time. After the booking is booked, you can use it to easily message back-and-forth to coordinate things like check-in and directions.


If you are curious about what others thought of a potential guest, host, property, or experience, all you have to do is look at their reviews. Guests and hosts can only review each other after a booking, so you know the feedback you are seeing is based on actual experiences.