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How to write simple property rules to follow for your guests?

Your house rules are so much more than just a list of do's and don’ts. They set expectations for guests, and give them a preview into your hosting style. They also help guests evaluate whether your space is a good fit before they book it, which can make for a better experience.

Keep it simple

Use clear, easy-to-understand language. “House rules should not read like legal mumbo jumbo. If they do, nobody will read them or potential guests will go to another listing that’s less complicated. The best way to keep things simple? Think about how you would want a guest to behave in your space, and how you’d explain that if you were talking to them in person—then write that way.

Safety reminders

Don’t assume guests are as vigilant about safety and security as you are. It’s a good idea to share this type of info in your house rules. Here’s how some hosts have done this:

  • “Please take your property accessories out and close the doors when you leave the property.

Take the opportunity to educate guests

If your guests are visiting from afar, they might not be aware of issues specific to your location or culture. Your house rules can be a chance to share critical information. Here’s how some hosts have incorporated local knowledge:

  • “We ask that you be prudently silent and discreet, especially at night.
  • “No shoes inside the property.

Showcase your personality Your rules provide insight into your hosting style. It’s one more way for guests to determine whether your space is a good fit for them, so be yourself.

If your approach to hosting is relaxed and fun-loving, let a little humor shine through. Like things a little more orderly? Make sure that is communicated clearly.

House rules help protect you

In the rare event of an issue with a guest, house rules can also help you mediate a disagreement. If a guest violates a house rule, your first step should be to communicate with the guest and try to resolve the issue directly.