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How to best manage the Reviews?

Reviews are a great way for Hosts and guests to give each other feedback. They also help our community understand what to expect when making plans. Here’s how reviews work:

  • Once checkout is complete, we’ll ask you to write a review and provide star ratings for your recent trip or your guest
  • You have to submit your review within 14 days from the time of checkout—during that period, you may edit it until the other party submits their review
  • Reviews are only posted after a) both parties have completed theirs, or b) the 14-day period has ended—whichever comes first
  • You can also leave private feedback, which will only be shared with your Host or guest once the reviews are posted

Empowered to be honest

Our community relies on honesty and transparency. Because both guest and Host reviews are posted at the same time and can’t be edited afterward, there’s no need to worry about the other person reading your review and changing their own as a result.

Where to find them

To read reviews you’ve written and received, go to Reviews from a web browser. You’ll also find private feedback that people have left for you there.

How to respond If you disagree with a review, you can’t remove it, but you’re welcome to respond or report it if you think it violates our Review Policy. Learn about how we moderate review disputes

Group reviews

If a booking has more than one confirmed guest, the Host’s review is for the guest who made the booking. This review will still appear on the profiles of all the other confirmed guests.