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How to ensure my pool photos are great?

Give guests a sense of what to expect with captivating photos of your space—including photos of the inside, outside, and the neighborhood around your listing.

How to get the best photos:

  • Set the scene: For a spacious and inviting look, make sure the space is clean and free of clutter.

  • Daylight works best: Open the blinds and turn on the lights to brighten your space.

  • Use landscape format: Photos in search results are all displayed in the landscape—vertical photos won't showcase your space as well.

  • Upload the right resolution: Use photos that are at least 1024px x 683px. When in doubt, a bigger photo is better.

  • Show off unique amenities: Guests love to stay in spaces with character, so call attention to details like a fireplace, artwork, or backyard barbeque.

  • Highlight accessibility features: Emphasize things that are helpful to guests with limited mobility, such as wide doorways, step-free floors, and grab rails. Learn more about which features qualify and the best way to photograph them.

1. How to ensure my guests are following safety measures?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to keep health and safety in mind. We’ve created a set of mandatory COVID-19 safety practices for both the guests of our platform’s listings, based on guidance from the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control. In addition, you should be familiar with general health and safety guidelines for COVID-19 safety, continue to monitor applicable government travel restrictions and advisories, and follow all national and local laws and guidelines.

Resortifi has introduced guidelines and programs to help address health and safety concerns, but these measures cannot eliminate all risk. Especially if you're in a higher risk category (ex: people above the age of 65 or people with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease), we recommend obtaining professional guidance and taking extra precautions when you are making the decision to book a stay or an experience with us.

Al guests are required to abide by the following:

  • Wear a mask and practice social distancing when required by local laws and guidelines
  • When required by local laws or guidelines, all guests must agree to:
  • Wear a mask or face covering when interacting in person
  • Always maintain 6 feet/2 meters of distance from each other

2. What is the maximum number of guests I can rent for my pool?

Though it is up to your pool or property size as well as your own preference that how many guests you can accommodate at a time; it is important to consider Covid-19 social distancing and capacity requirements while deciding the maximum number of guests for your property.

To assign maximum number of guests, follow these steps:

  • Go to Your listings and select a listing.
  • Click Manage listing.
  • Click Availability at the top of the page.
  • Next to Trip length, click Edit.
  • Enter minimum and maximum guests requirements.

3. How to snooze, unlist, or deactivate my listing?

If you want to stop receiving new bookings and remove your listing from search results, you have options. Choose a way to manage your listing that works for you.

  • Snooze it for a set period of time (as long or as short as you’d like!)
  • Unlist it until you’re ready to receive bookings again
  • Deactivate it if you’ll no longer host your place (all confirmed bookings must be complete)
  • If you snooze or unlist, you’ll still host your guests for any confirmed bookings.


To snooze your listing and hide it from search results for a set period of time:

  • Go to Listings, and select the listing you want
  • Under Listing basics, go to Listing status and click Edit
  • Click Snoozed, and choose start and end dates
  • Click Save

Temporarily unlisting

To remove your listing from search results indefinitely:

  • Go to Listings, and select the listing you want
  • Under Listing basics, go to Listing status and click Edit
  • Click Unlisted, and select the reason you're unlisting
  • Click Unlist

Permanently deactivating

To permanently deactivate your listing:

  • Go to Listings, and select the listing you want
  • Under Listing basics, go to Listing status and click Edit
  • Click Deactivate, and select the reason you're deactivating
  • Click Deactivate

Keep in mind that deactivating your listing won’t impact any reviews from your guests or reviews you’ve left them—they’ll still show on the public profiles.

4. Why was my listing paused or suspended?

Your listings may be suspended if you fail to meet the basic requirements: overall rating, response rate, accepted bookings, or cancellations. If your listing is suspended, it won’t show up in search results and you won’t receive any new bookings.

You’ll have the opportunity to reactivate your listing once the suspension period is over, subject to a review by us. Serious infractions could lead to permanent removal from our platform. Existing bookings

Your upcoming bookings will not be impacted by your listing being suspended, but may be canceled if you fail to provide high-quality guest experiences or otherwise violate our Terms of Service.

Previous guest feedback

While your listing is suspended, consider taking some time to make changes to your hospitality and listing based on the feedback you got from previous guests. To read guest feedback, go to your reviews. You should also familiarize yourself with our basic hosting requirements and review tips in our hospitality standards.

After the suspension period You may be eligible to reactivate your listing to get new bookings. You can reactivate by logging into your account and following the steps that appear.

After reactivating, your listings could be suspended again if you continue to perform below the basic requirements.

If your listing is not eligible for reactivation, it will be removed from our platform and no longer accessible.

Appeal process

Listing suspension and removal appeals may be granted under limited circumstances. Extenuating circumstances may be a reason to appeal, but the majority of appeals will be considered based on guest review policy violations.

If it can be proven that a poor guest review on a listing violates our review policies, that review may be thrown out. If the removal of any inappropriate reviews leads to a substantial increase in a listing’s overall rating average, that listing could potentially be reinstated.

Violations of the review policy include:

  • Violations of our Content Policy
  • Irrelevant content per our Review Relevancy Policy
  • Biased or fraudulent content (as the result of extortion or competitor reviews) per our Review Manipulation Policy

If you want to proceed with an appeal, you’re required to provide:

The names of the listings you’re appealing for

The bookings codes related to the reviews you’re contesting (these can be found on your Bookings tab)

Which of the above review policy violations apply and why?

You can appeal by completing the suspension appeal form. If you are under a suspension that is less than 30 days, you won't be able to access this form.

5. How can I update my calendar??

The best way to manage your bookings and avoid cancellations is to keep your calendar up to date. You can mark dates as available or blocked, so it’s very clear to guests who are interested in your place.

To mark dates as available or blocked:

You’ll notice that available dates on the calendar are white. Unavailable dates are gray when automatically blocked, or have a slash if you've manually blocked them.

Note: As a Host, you can unblock any dates on your calendar—except for bookings you canceled, or dates booked through linked or synced calendars. You'll find more info on linked and synced calendars below.

Why calendar dates may be blocked

There are various reasons why dates on your calendar may be blocked:

  • Your listing settings: You can decide how much advance notice or preparation time between bookings you need. Your calendar will automatically block dates to fit your settings (ex: if you want a 48-hour window between bookings for enhanced cleaning). Find out how to set preparation time between bookings.
  • Other calendars: You might have linked your calendars for multiple listings or synced your calendar with another website’s calendar. In these instances, your calendar will be blocked to prevent different guests from double-booking your listing.
  • Pending trip request: If you have a pending trip request, those dates will remain blocked until you accept or decline the request. If you don't respond within 24 hours, those dates will remain blocked—though you can unblock them manually. To receive alerts for pending trip requests, adjust your notification settings.
  • Confirmed bookings: When you accept a trip request, the dates are automatically blocked in your calendar.
  • Canceled bookings: If you cancel a confirmed booking, those dates will remain blocked. Learn more about what happens when you cancel a booking.
  • Expired trip requests: If a trip request expires before you’re able to respond, those dates will be automatically blocked. You can manually unlock those dates on your calendar.
  • Insufficient info: We can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account, so make sure everything's up to date.

How inquiries or invites impact availability

Guests may inquire about certain dates before sendingthe a trip request: These dates will remain available so multiple guests can send inquiries, until you have a pending trip request. If you decide to issue an invitation to book and Instant Book is not turned on, those dates will automatically be blocked on your calendar until either the guest books or the invite expires after 24 hours—whichever comes first.

If you issue an invitation to book and allow guests to book instantly: You’ll have the option to block those dates until the guest books or until the invite expires after 24 hours, whichever comes first. This gives the guest a chance to book. You can change your mind at any time by withdrawing the invitation to book.

6. How do I set the minimum and maximum number of days a guest can book?

To set minimum and maximum days requirements for bookings:

Go to Your listings and select a listing.

Click Manage listing.

Click Availability at the top of the page.

Next to Trip length, click Edit. the Enter minimum and maximum days requirements. Click Customize by day of the week to create custom rules for each day of the week. For a specific date (like a holiday), click Add a custom rule for seasons or specific dates.

Note: If you have multiple minimum night requirements that apply to the same day, the more specific requirement will be used. For example, let’s say you have a minimum 1-day requirement for all bookings, but you have a minimum 3 days requirement for bookings on the weekend. If a guest requests a Friday booking, they’ll be required to stay 3 days, not just 1 day.

7. How can I make my listings more competitive?

Complete each section Get guests excited about your space with all the awesome details.

  • Go all in on the description: Make your title and description fun, detailed, and informative. Explain the amenities, shared spaces, and what makes your space unique.
  • Upload high-quality photos: Your photos are a guest’s first impression of your space on the search results page. Get tips on taking great photos.
  • Keep your listing up-to-date: Make sure everything is accurate and set expectations in house rules and the guest manual.

Use reviews to improve

When you improve the experience for your guests, you’ll get better reviews and star ratings—which will make your listing even more appealing.

Make booking easier

Responding quickly to inquiries and trip requests shows guests that you are an attentive, welcoming Host. And the ultimate convenience is to offer Instant Book, so guests can book immediately and confidently.

Be competitive with prices Setting your price to reflect changing demand means it will fluctuate throughout the week and the year. Try custom pricing to help your listing stay competitive.

Get tips for the off-season

Off-season can still be a busy season if you attract guests all year-round. Try seasonal pricing to help your listing stay competitive or meetup with other Hosts in your area to trade tips about how to stand out during slow months.

8. How can I customize instant booking settings?

Instant Book makes it easier for guests to book your place, without requiring you to manually review and accept their requests.

All guests must agree to your house rules before booking, and if you’re uncomfortable with an Instant Book booking, you can cancel the booking. However, there will be certain Host penalties for canceling bookings. But if you’d like more control, there are a few extra features you can set up.

Additional guest requirements

All guests meet our booking requirements, but you’re welcome to add more at any time in our Instant Book settings:

  • Government-issued ID: Limit bookings to guests who’ve submitted their government-issued IDs to us

-Recommendations from other Hosts: Limit bookings to guests who’ve stayed with us and received only positive reviews

-Pre-booking message: Create a preset message with questions for guests to respond to when booking

Note: You must turn on Instant Book to add guest requirements to your listing. To add Instant Book requirements:

  • Go to your Listings and select a listing
  • Click Policies and rules
  • Next to Instant Book, click Edit
  • Select Instant Book on, and select your guest requirements
  • Click Save

9. How can I edit multiple listings at a time?

Want a fast way to make changes to your listings? Hosts with 6 or more listings can use our professional hosting tools to make bulk edits to all their listings at the same time.

You can make bulk edits to:

  • Property type
  • Fees and charges
  • Amenities
  • Location
  • Check-in method
  • House rules
  • Cancellation policy
  • Location details
  • Length-of-stay discounts
  • Sync settings
  • Trip length

How to make bulk edits

You'll need to access your account via desktop or browser.

  • Go to Listings and select all the listings you want to change
  • Click or tap Edit
  • Make your changes, and click or tap Save

Using Limited Sync API or Everything Synced

If you manage your listings through Limited Sync API, you can bulk-edit all the above information, except fees and charges. If you’re using Everything Synced, you’ll need to update your listings with property management software.

10. How do I edit pricing and availability settings for multiple listings?

Some hosts with multiple listings have access to features letting them update pricing and availability settings for multiple listings at once.

  • Go to your Multi-calendar
  • Next to the listings you’d like to manage, select a date range
  • On the right side of your screen, select your pricing and availability settings, then click Save

We can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

11. How do rule-sets work? If you have multiple listings, you may have access to features that let you create custom pricing and availability rules that you can save and apply to multiple listings.

How rule-sets works

You name your rule-set, then add rules for how you’d like your price to change when your rule-set is applied.

You can add the following rules to a rule-set:

  • Hourly/daily price: Adjust the price for your listing based on the time of year. For example, you can create a rule that increases your price by 10% for dates during the holiday season.
  • Length-of-stay discounts: Give guests a discount for booking longer stays. You can discount by the week, month, or a custom timeframe that you create.
  • Last-minute discounts: Reduce your price as the check-in date gets closer.
  • Early-bird discounts: Add a discount for booking further in advance.
  • Trip length requirements: Set the minimum and maximum number of days that guests can book. -Check-in and checkout requirements: Choose the days that guests can check in and out.

12. How to edit the availability window?

The availability window option gives your guests show the possible available dates and amenities you can offer. You can always edit your availability window through edit functionality, where you can let your guests make recurring bookings via single booking and making all payment upfront. Guests looking for swimming and backyard amenities on a regular basis can book multiple sessions from you via single booking session. Hosts can use special discounts available for recurring bookings and multiple sessions to attract more guests.

To edit your availability window:

  • Go to Your listings and select a listing
  • Click Availability at the top of the page
  • Click Edit and make editing as per your preferences

Guests won’t see your listing in search unless they meet your booking requirements