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1. Is it possible to create a custom promotion?

Running a promotion is a great way to drive more pool bookings. Find out if your listing is eligible.

To create a custom promotion:

  • Go to your listing’s calendar
  • Select Promotions
  • Choose your dates and set a discount

For a better chance at appearing in search results, we recommend creating a promotion for at least 3 consecutive days.

2. Why can the custom promotion creation change your prices?

With promotions, we want to ensure that you get perks for offering a deal, and that guests are getting a price that’s lower than usual. To do this, we make sure promotions are true discounts—that means your new price is lower than your typical price for that specific date.

We track all of your prices over a 60-day period to figure out what you typically charge for any given date. When you create a promotion, we calculate your median price for that date over the last 60 days. In other words, we line up all of the prices from lowest to highest, and the price that falls in the middle is your median price.

If your current price is different from the median price, we will use your median price to calculate the discount.

How it works:

  • You create a custom promotion for June 1
  • Today, your price for June 1 is $100
  • Your 60-day median price for June 1 is $75
  • If you create a promotion for June 1, the discount will be calculated off of $75

3. Why is there no promotion available for my listings?

Your listing also must have at least 03 bookings before it is eligible for a custom promotion. In the meantime, you can still offer deals to guests by setting a lower price for specific dates, or setting up weekly and monthly discounts.

4. Is it possible to set a custom promotion for some dates?

We try our best to only highlight prices that are great deals for guests, so not every date will be eligible for a custom promotion. Limiting the number of eligible dates means that your promotion will actually stand out in search results, helping you get the attention of more guests.

Median prices

When we calculate the discounts, we look at the 30-day median price for each date. In other words, we line up all of the prices you had set for that date from lowest to highest, and the price that falls in the middle is the median.

If we don’t have a 30-day median price for a date, it won’t be eligible for a promotion. The date must be:

  • Currently unblocked
  • Unblocked for 28 of the last 30 days
  • Less than 100 days away

How it works

Let’s say a guest searches for a day in June and over the last 30 days, you have set 4 different prices for the day the guest is looking for. At the time of the search, we would calculate the typical price for this day over the previous 30 days. To do this, we would add the middle 2 prices together, then divide them by 2 to get the median price.

  • Price 1: $90
  • Price 2: $100
  • Price 3: $125
  • Price 4: $140
  • Median price: ($100 + $125) / 2 = $112.50

Then, we compare the median price you have set over the last 30 days to the current price of the day the guest searched. If the current price is at least 10% less than the median ($112.50), we would show a crossed out price to the guest.

Ex: $112.50 $100

Higher than usual prices

We want hosts to get perks for offering a deal, so we have some restrictions for dates that have unusually high prices. Your discount will be based on a price up to your highest-booked price in the last year.

How it works

  • You want to set a promotion for a day with a price of $500
  • The most you’ve been booked in the past year is $300 a day
  • You’ll be able to set a promotion, but the discount will be based on $300, not $500

5. Can the promotion be removed from my listing?

We want to ensure promotions are great deals for guests and reward hosts who offer true discounts. We may remove a promotion if we determine that it violates the Host Discount Policy.

For example, when a host raises their price right before applying for a promotion, or while the promotion is running, the discount can be misleading to guests and may be removed—because it’s based on an inflated price, rather than the price the host typically offers for those dates.

Removing promotions ensures the quality of discounts on Resortifi so that they’re based on true discounts that are great deals for guests. You may appeal such a decision by contacting customer service.